The Roasted Root's Top 10 Recipes from 2015

Dear Diary,

Just kidding.

You thought I was going to launch into some emotional tirade about how Blake and Gwen are having a baby…but Iโ€™ll save that discussion for my actual journalling.

Just Kidding.

I donโ€™t journal.

Ah heck.

Letโ€™s chat.

2016! Hazaaaaaah!

Just yesterday, I was in a coffee shop typing my 2014 re-cap post, crying in public shamelessly about what a whirlwind of a year it was. Figuratively though. I wasnโ€™t actually doing that yesterday. Yesterday, I made chili. What I mean to say is 2015 came and left like a cheap date. Wham bam, thank you, ma’am. Did I just make this awkward? Bygones.

This year, much like 2014, was full of blog and personal growth. I made some pretty epic decisions in 2015, folks…youโ€™d be proud. I also made some bad choices, but nothing a few ibuprofen and a breakfast burrito couldnโ€™t cure.

2015 can go down in history as the year I nestled into my own skin (or The Year of Nestling, or YoN if you will). In 2014, I grew to accept the fact that my unique/fun/challenging trade is going to remain a cornerstone in my life, and in 2015, I put on my fuzzy socks and got super cozy with it. This thing, you people are my livelihood, my lifestyle, my passion, my means to endless packages of free food.

Before I realzies go full-tilt dear diary on you, let’s put a wrap on the YoN. I thought Iโ€™d give you some of my โ€˜15 greatist hits, as well as some fails and some faves. Ready? Letโ€™s do โ€˜er.

Top 10 Recipes (Epic Wins)

(in order of epicness…)

Avocado Egg Salad – Wow, you guys…I had no idea you liked hard-boiled eggs so much!
Hummus Marinated Chicken Salad with Hummus-Salsa Dressing – I agree, hummus is the tits.
Grated Broccoli Salad with Carrots, Apples, and Warm Bacon Dressing – Bacon = crack
Nacho Cheese Kale Chips – These chips are dope.
Paleo Banana Bread Mug Cake – The best part of waking up is paleo banana bread mug cake in your cup!
Grain-Free Morning Glory Muffins – The No Brunch Left Behind muff. <- I just made that up. It literally means nothing.
Garlic and Lemon Pan-Seared Salmon and Asparagus – Total staple piece to your weekly menu.
Dairy-Free Zucchini Carbonara – Not gonna lie, I got mixed reviews on this one, so I was surprised it made it to the Top 10.
Crock Pot Shredded Chicken Chile Colorado Tacos – No truer foods have ever been crock potted.
Spicy Kale Caesar Salad with Roasted Garlic – The roasted gaaaaahlic tho’!

The Best of the Worst (Epic Fails)

You guys, I totally mess crap up all the time. Sometimes cumin gets used by accident instead of cinnamon…sometimes the lighting (read: my photography steaze) sucks…sometimes the wires get crossed, the stars don’t align, and allthethingsarejustwrong…sometimes I’m really bad at my job. If I had a dollar for every 1/2 day wasted in the kitchen…You get the point. Nevertheless, while my fails aren’t blog-worthy, they can be used as comic relief. Or door stoppers.

Here are some of my epic fails from 2015 that never made it on the blog:

These grain-free sweet potato cinnamon rolls…

Paleo Sweet Potato Cinnamon Rolls

I thought theywould be the next best thing…I only tried making them once using almond meal, tapioca flour, yeast, and coconut sugar, but they were so epically un-fluffy that I couldnโ€™t bring myself to make them again. I still ate them all, but of course…I just didnโ€™t think youโ€™d enjoy rock solid (and expensive-to-prepare) sweet potato hockey pucks as much as I, so I opted not to post.
4-Ingredient Freezer Fudge

4-Ingredient Healthy Freezer Fudge

The key word here being โ€œFreezer.โ€ Like, as soon as I took the fudge out of the freezer, it melted like it was way down yonder on the Chattahoochee. I used cashew butter, coconut oil, raw cacao powder, and honey. Super effing delicious, but I couldnโ€™t stand the thought of you guys making it, leaving it out on accident and returning to a puddle of wasted ingredients. ‘Twas a risk I didn’t want to take.
Apple Fritter Pancakes

Apple Fritter Pancakes

These could have been sooooo goooooood!! …except they werenโ€™t. they never cooked all the way through and were a dough mess on the inside. Itโ€™s back to the drawing board for these fritters.
Rainbow Carrot Salad

Spirallized Rainbow Carrot Salad

There was nothing really wrong with this spiralized carrot salad per se…except there was nothing really right about it, either. It was just mleh.
French Onion Soup with Goat Cheese (and sans the bread).

French Onion Soup



I donโ€™t really know what my plan was for this soup…For a hot minute, I was like, โ€œMmmyeeeeeeeah my readers will tooooootally dig bread-less French onion soup,โ€ and then I had a reality check and was like, โ€œThis is dumb.โ€ The soup actually turned out marvelously…but I didnโ€™t like how the photos turned out and bread-lessness just seemed wrong. Plus, I figured 98% of you wouldnโ€™t be on board with the goat cheese sitch. Youโ€™re welcome for me keeping this to myself.

Bonus Material:

Best Comment in 2015:

I’m generally very amused by the comments I get on my blog posts and from time to time, I’ll get one that’s ultra bitchin’. This one was in response to my Turkey Bolognese Stuffed Spaghetti Squash:

best comment ever
Thank you, Jeb. You slay me.

So that, in a nutshell, is the watered down, somewhat appropriate version of what happened in 2015. Now letโ€™s do some forward thinking…

Whatโ€™s to come?

On a blog level, I wish I could tell you ALLTHENEWNESS is heading to your facehead from my kitchen to yours, but letโ€™s be real…Iโ€™m planning on keeping things the same. You cool with that? A few recipes per week, some mindless banter, keeping calm and chiving on (<- has anyone figured out what the hell that means yet?). My professors from business school would be rolling their eyes so hard right now, being like โ€œWHAT IS YOUR PLAAAAAAAN???โ€ 

…To fly by the seat of my pants. Per usual.

This year will hopefully be filled with delicious food and lots of travle. I already have a workshop planned in Iceland for August of 2016, a trip to Alaska for Copper River Salmon coming up in September. As always, I’ll keep you posted on my comings and goings on Instagram.

Thank you so much to the people and brands that have supported and support this site. Many many wet and slobbery kisses from me to you!

Cheers to 2016.

Julia Mueller
Meet the Author

Julia Mueller

Julia Mueller is a recipe developer, cookbook author, and founder of The Roasted Root. She has authored three bestselling cookbooks, – Paleo Power Powers, Delicious Probiotic Drinks, and The Quintessential Kale Cookbook. Her recipes have been featured in several national publications such as BuzzFeed, Self, Tasty, Country Living,, etc.

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Questions and Reviews

  1. Happy new year lady! Thanks for your all sharing of last year. Keep cooking, keep writing and share us. I wish all the best to you in 2016.

  2. Happy New Year, beautiful friend. I loooooooved this post and canโ€™t wait to see what you come up with in 2016, because I love your blog, the way you write and of course your recipes. You are so inspiring, Ju! It is great what you are doing ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Right back atcha, love! Happy New Year, and I can’t wait to see all that you cook up and share over at Primavera Kitchen!

  3. Bahaha I LOVE this post! Toy definitely had some deliciousness going on this year!
    I need to keep track of my fails, but I’m usually to broken hearted by them that I throw them away a hot minute before I can snap a photo. Anyway. That carrot salad? I’d eat it.

    1. I hear ya sister – the same happens in my kitchen if the result is bad enough, haha! Here’s to minimal fails in 2016 ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. That carrot salad looked great and I can eat fudge from the freezer or right out of the pot with a spoon! I loved your post and can’t wait to see what you come up with in 2016!

  5. Happy new year, my friend!! OMG, Jeb’s comment….wish I could get a gem like that. I love reading about people’s recipe fails! Well, not because you went through them but because I’ve been there too and I can totally relate to that. Anyway, cheers to another amazing year, and hopefully I can meet up with you in Iceland! (Still haven’t made any solid plans yet, but I’ll let you know once I do!)

  6. You are so fucking funny. I really want to be your friend. Also, I love that you showed some fails. Thanks for showing your humanness.

  7. I am inspired by you, Julia, both as a writer and as a creator. I love what you do, and I look forward to your recipes and your banter. I feel like if we lived closer, we’d actually be friends.
    So happy 2016 and keep on posting. xoxox

  8. Jeb’s comment…<3

    That carrot salad looks so good! I would have never guessed it didn't taste that great. And the goat cheese French onion soup? That gave me a good laugh, haha!

    I reeaaaalllllyyyy wish I could go to Iceland with you. It's going to be EPIC.

    Cheers to 2016, girly!!

    1. I knoooooow, right? Jeb’s a gemstone. One of these days, we’ll have to plan an overseas trip together – we’d make excellent travel buddies! Plus, a visit to the bay is in my near future so I look forward to seeing you again soon. Cheers to you, too, m’dear!

  9. Happy New Year! I love seeing all the hits and misses, makes me feel normal! My worst was a blueberry bar that was just a gummy mess. Bleck.

    1. Bahah! Healthy treats can be super difficult to make! A blueberry bar sounds fantastic though, so I hope you give it another whirl so that I can drool over it!

  10. Hooray for wins and fails and all those things in between! I’m super jealous of that trip to Iceland, please pack me in your suitcase (I’ll bring my own snacks :)). Cheers friends, hope we can finally connect sometime this year! xo

  11. Love it! Love you! Bummed that I might not see you this year. ๐Ÿ™ Maybe Jerry will get an epic job with lots of money and we can come visit you. And fly the kidlets out there, too. Ha! Hope you have a fabulous 2016 with lots of wonderful things happening. Keep me updated. I miss you. xoxo

    1. I miss you, too! I’m definitely hoping to see you all this year…we’ll figure out a way of making it happen ๐Ÿ˜‰ Of course, I would always encourage you all to move to Reno/Tahoe…jobs galore over here! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Love you lots, Julie!