2014, folks, itโ€™s a wrap! Letโ€™s wrap โ€˜er up and put a cap on it. As in, letโ€™s recap 2014! Here are my Top 10 Recipes of 2014!

 Top 10 Recipes from 2014 on TheRoastedRoot.net

Wow. Wow is my The Word of 2014. I know, you were probably expecting my The Word of 2014 to be something more along the lines of bombtasticsupercalifragilistic, but: wow. Iโ€™m practically speechless. Should we open the floodgates? Sure!

2014 came and went in the blink of an eye. Was it good for you? I find myself overcome with emotions as I write this. You wanna know how it feels? Iโ€™ll tell you how it feels. Befuddling, man! But in a good way. But, like in all the ways…but also still in a good way: befuddling and overwhelming. Itโ€™s almost as though this stirring of emos would not have occurred had I not sat down to write about them. Almost.

This year, I took a leap-y risk and decided to do this ish full time. Itโ€™s been wild, 2014! Wildly passionate, confusing, scary, fun, delicious, full of epic fails, and overall: just plain epic. I didnโ€™t want to make a cheeseball comment such as, “I wouldnโ€™t be here if it werenโ€™t for you…” but you guys, thatโ€™s whatโ€™s genuine and real. I wouldnโ€™t be showcasing my consumables if you werenโ€™t here to bare witness to them. So THANK YOU for being here, eating co-dependently with me, chatting me up, validating my thoughts and emotions, and for accepting my food porn commentary like, โ€œTaste it down deep in your loins.โ€

^^^Okay, Iโ€™ve never actually said that, but you catch my drift…slash donโ€™t be surprised if I write that in my next blog post, because food + loins = good blog talk, right? Right.

Anyhoo, before I get all Dear Diary on you (uhh..too late?), I figured I’d tell you what you liked best on my blog this year, and give you some of my 2014 highlights.

Top 10 Recipes of 2014:

(In order of top-iness)

  1. Raw Carrot Pasta with Ginger-Lime Peanut Sauce
  2. Paleo Granola
  3. Thai Salad with Coconut Curry Dressing
  4. Ultimate Detox Salad
  5. Crock Pot Chicken Tikka Masala
  6. Broccoli Salad with Blueberries and Honey Toasted Walnuts
  7. 10 Things You Need to Know About Kombucha
  8. Beet Pesto Pizza with Kale and Goat Cheese
  9. Maple Roasted Butternut Squash and Beets
  10. Dark Chocolate Chickpea Brownies

2014 Highlights

  • My two cookbooks, Delicious Probiotic Drinks and Let Them Eat Kale! were published!
  • I began food blogging full time, like whoa.
  • I went to Colorado for my friendโ€™s wedding, fell off a bunk bed that was hand-crafted by Paul Bunyon, and won at Cards Against Humanity.
  • I went camping with three of my girlfriends, topless sun-bathed with them, and felt like a free bitch, baby.
  • I went to the Dominican Republic, did nothing but lay in the sun and eat Dominican food, and drink all the Dominican wines.
  • I took a girls-only wine tasting trip to Murphys, CA, had all the meaningful conversations, and made one of my friends car sick with my driving steez.
  • I went to Chicago to meet this girl, got felt up in the airport, and refurbished an old tattoo.
  • I taught my first cooking demo. Can you guess the topic? Kale 101, you got it!
  • I moved into my very first one-bedroom apartment! Anyone have any furniture they don’t need? No seriously, guys, I still need furniture.

So what does 2015 have in store for us? Food!  I implore you to tell me what you want out of me for 2015. Teeeeeeell me! More meat, more veggies?  Less talk of boozed up, trashed out butternut squash? More Fireside Chats? Stop talking at all, just show me the food? Iโ€™ll follow your lead, so feel free to get chit chatty all up on my comment box.

Have a fun and safe New Year!! xoxoxox

Julia Mueller
Meet the Author

Julia Mueller

Julia Mueller is a recipe developer, cookbook author, and founder of The Roasted Root. She has authored three bestselling cookbooks, – Paleo Power Powers, Delicious Probiotic Drinks, and The Quintessential Kale Cookbook. Her recipes have been featured in several national publications such as BuzzFeed, Self, Tasty, Country Living, Brit.co, etc.

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Questions and Reviews

  1. Happy new year to you, my dear! Big ups on all that you’ve done in 2014! So, wait, what? Fell off a bunk bed?! That brings back bad memories for me of when I was a kid! Cards Against Humanity is awesome. I played it so much with my friends that we had to get the extra deck. Anyway, here’s to another year of awesome recipes and hilarious stories!!

  2. I’m so happy for you and everything you’ve accomplished! I so admire everything you do–you’re such a talent and an even bigger joy! Keep it up, my dear ๐Ÿ™‚ In the mean time, I’m off to make those winning carrot noodlie-o’s!

  3. happy new year Julia! So in awe of your accomplishments and so excited that you’ve taken the leap to go at this full-time. You have a gift! So, purely selfishly, we have gluten-frees and vegans in the household, so any time those intersect (without mushrooms or cilantro — don’t get me wrong, 3/4 of us LOVE mushrooms and cilantro but someone doesn’t…) it’s like nirvana. Oh, and one of the vegans doesn’t eat many grains. How does that work, you say? Good question. So pretty much veggies, veggies, veggies — how to turn those into fantastic full mains, that’s the ticket. really, I’ll read and cook most anything you post. Just had the anti-inflammatory smoothie yesterday. yum! love you and happy new year, my dear. hope to see you soon.

  4. I like the recipes of yours that I’ve made, and I just saved your #1 recipe above, so I’ll take whatever you have to offer. Preferably savory rather than sweet, because I don’t do desserts. Happy New Year!!

  5. Eeek!! I’m pretty excited for 2015 and April approaching and you visiting and all the shenanigans that will be occurring!! And, our epic tattoo session made your highlights of the year. ๐Ÿ™‚ Can’t wait to see you in just over 3 months! (Eeep. Maybe I should have said just under 4 months. That sounds like it gives me more time). Love and kisses from all of us and happy new year!! (Behave tonight). xoxo