Nutritious liver detox smoothie with apples, spinach, banana, carrot, parsley, turmeric, lemon, walnuts, and hemp protein powder. This healthful, filling smoothie is packed with everything you need to help cleanse and revitalize your body.

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Liver Detox Smoothie with apple, spinach, parsley, turmeric, and more! This nutritious smoothie is a great tool for cleansing!

I mentioned in my Anti-Inflammatory Carrot Ginger Smoothie post, I always like to start the New Year with a smoothie recipe or two to help clear out any over-abundance we may have entertained during the holidays.

And also, who doesnโ€™t love a great, nutritious smoothie?

You may have noticed, I like to give a theme to each of my smoothie recipes.

For instance, the Immunity Boosting Tropical Smoothie, Good Digestion Smoothie , Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie, Healthy Gut Smoothie and Aphrodisiac Smoothie recipes Iโ€™ve posted in the past do just what their titles suggest. ๐Ÿ˜‰

And now? Itโ€™s time to detox our livers.

Why Liver Function is Important:

I know, not exactly the sexiest topic in the world, but bare with me here, because this stuffโ€™s important.

We typically donโ€™t think about each of our organs when weโ€™re sitting down to a meal with family, are going out for a night on the town, or simply making day-to-day food choices. Itโ€™s easy to overlook the parts of our body that arenโ€™t immediately obvious, but the liver serves some pretty important functions.

Storing vitamins, minerals and glycogen, removing toxins from your bloodstream, producing bile to digest fat and break down hormones, balancing protein, fat and sugar in the bloodstream, and eliminating old red blood cells are just a few of its many functions.

Signs Your Liver Needs Help:

Some tell tale signs that your liver isnโ€™t working as well as it should is if you experience bloating or gas, constipation, heartburn or acid reflux, anxiety or depression, have a difficult time losing weight, experience chronic fatigue, excessive sweating, and more.

So basically, if your liverโ€™s pissed, other systems in your body will react to let you know somethingโ€™s up.

When we think of liver damage, we typically think of excessive alcohol consumption, but itโ€™s entirely possible to have an improperly functioning liver without drinking.

Common causes of liver damage are eating processed foods (in particular, hydrogenated oils and refined sugar), alcohol consumption, having autoimmune disease, taking certain medications, not getting the proper nutrients from your food (malnutrition), and more.

Liver Detox Smoothie with apple, spinach, parsley, turmeric, ginger and more! This healthy smoothie is a great tool for cleansing!

In this sense you can see the importance of taking a load off your liver, throwing it a metaphorical bone to help it do its job more efficiently so that your overall health is in tip top shape.

How to Support Your Liver:

Step 1 in your liver detox journey is to remove processed foods from your diet, and add foods that support and detoxify your liver.

Foods like the ones you see in this smoothie recipe will help you get rid of toxins and will nourish your organs so that they arenโ€™t overly taxed.

Your goal is to lower systemic inflammation by removing pro-inflammatory foods from your diet, and instead incorporating anti-inflammatory foods.

Weโ€™ll discuss the cleansing properties of this smoothie in a moment, but I want first to discuss the protein component.

I often add protein powder to my smoothies if I’m using them as a meal-replacement in order to ensure I get adequate protein for the day.

Protein Powder:

I usedย Hemp Protein Powder in this smoothie to give it a plant-based protein boost, making it a well-rounded meal-in-a-glass, or excellent pre or post-workout snack. If you look at the ingredient list on the back of the package, the only ingredient is hemp protein powder. No added anything, no sweeteners, artificial flavors, etc.

For me, this is key in choosing a protein powder, because I feel everything but the protein is unnecessary. The powder blends easily in smoothies and can also be incorporated baked goods, pancake batter, and/or oatmeal.

Iโ€™ve mentioned this is past posts, but I learned a few months ago that I wasnโ€™t consuming enough protein, so Iโ€™ve been hyper-vigilant about my intake.

While I do eat animal protein, I like to derive some of my protein from plant-based sources as well.

Since I have a sensitive digestive system, many protein powders mess with me, but hemp protein works like a charm! Adding it to a smoothie or energy bars/bites is an effective, easy-to-process form of protein.

Liver Detox Smoothie with apple, spinach, parsley, turmeric, and more! This nutritious smoothie is a great tool for cleansing!

For those interested parties, we can geek out a little more on the liver detox front. I researched which foods help detoxify your liver and added my favorites to this smoothie.

I use apples, carrots, banana, walnuts, spinach, parsley, fresh lemon juice, fresh turmeric, a dash of cinnamon, and almond milk.

Ingredients for Liver Detox Smoothie:

Apples: Contain a good source of pectin, which is necessary for the body to cleanse and release toxins from the digestive tract. In this sense, apples help the liver handle the toxic load.

Carrots: high in plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene which can help stimulate and support overall liver function

Bananas: Potassium is essential to keeping your liver healthy and itโ€™s also imperative for cardiovascular health, lowering bad cholesterol, and lowering systolic blood pressure. Psst! Sweet potatoes are an even better source of potassium than bananas!

Walnuts: Walnuts help the liver in detoxify ammonia, and are also high in glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids, which help keep the liver clean. Walnuts are best consumed when liquified to make them easier for your body to digest, so adding them to a smoothie is quite brilliant!

Parsley: Contains a high concentration of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, chlorophyll and volatile oils, all of which support healthy liver function. Parsley, along with other fresh herbs, is known for its awesome liver and kidney support.

Lemon: High in vitamin C, which helps the body break down toxic materials into substances that can be absorbed by water.

Turmeric: Turmeric assists enzymes that actively flush out dietary toxins, making it a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

Spinach: Extremely high in chlorophyll, leafy greens soak up environmental toxins from the bloodstream. They neutralize heavy metals, chemicals, and pesticides and also help protect the liver.

Cinnamon:  I love adding cinnamon to my coffee and smoothies both for flavor and for improved blood circulation. While cinnamon isn’t known for its liver-cleanse properties, I adore its circulatory benefits.

Foods That Detoxify Your Liver:

More liver cleanse foods that I didnโ€™t include in this smoothie are  papaya, beets, artichoke, asparagus, kale, and Brussels sprouts, cabbage, lime, avocados, green tea, grapefruit, and garlic. Feel free to play with your smoothie ingredients and perhaps consider adding papaya, beets, avocado, kale, and/or grapefruit.

What else can you do to help detox your liver? Drink raw vegetable juice (think leafy greens and beet juice), make sure you get plenty of B vitamins, Vitamin C and iron in your diet, take a milk thistle supplement and/or a dandelion supplement, and/or consume beef liver or take a liver supplement.

Recipe Adaptations:

If youโ€™re intolerant to bananas, consider adding 1/2 cup papaya or ยผ to ยฝ a cooked (and cooled) sweet potato in lieu of the banana – as it turns out, sweet potatoes are an even better source of potassium than bananas, so you canโ€™t go wrong by making the switch!

Whether you went off-the-charts bonkers with alcohol and food during the holidays or not, being mindful of your operating system is a sure way to maintain health long-term.

So there we have it! A smoothie that fills, nourishes, detoxes, and revitalizes! Pour it in a pretty glass, sip it out of a fancy straw and feel your liver (and the rest of your body) thanking you for the vacation.

My cookbook, Paleo Power Bowls, is now available! CLICK HERE to check it out. Thank you for your all your support!

If you make this recipe, please feel free to share a photo on Instagram and tag @The.Roasted.Root!

More Healing Smoothie Recipes:


Liver Detox Smoothie with apple, spinach, parsley, turmeric, and more! This nutritious smoothie is a great tool for cleansing!

Liver Detox Smoothie

4.48 from 255 votes
Liver Detox Smoothie with apples, parsley, hemp protein, lemon, turmeric, and more!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings: 1 smoothie


  • 1 ripe banana peeled*
  • 1/2 green apple cored and chopped
  • 1 medium-sized carrot peeled and chopped
  • 1 handful baby spinach
  • 1 1/4-inch nub turmeric root, peeled
  • 1 Tbsp fresh parsley chopped
  • 3 walnut halves
  • 2 Tbsp Hemp Protein Powder
  • 1/2 lemon juiced
  • 1 pinch cinnamon optional
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk see note**


  • Add all ingredients for the smoothie to a blender and blend until completely smooth. Taste smoothie for flavor and add more cinnamon and/or some honey to taste.



*Replace banana with 1/2 cup chopped papaya if intolerant to banana. Papaya is a powerful antiparasitic and also aids the liver.
**for a sweeter, tropical-tasting smoothie, use orange juice


Serving: 1smoothie ยท Calories: 217kcal ยท Carbohydrates: 48g ยท Protein: 5g ยท Fat: 3g ยท Fiber: 9g ยท Sugar: 26g
Author: Julia
Course: Smoothies
Cuisine: American
Keyword: breakfast, cleanse, green smoothie, healthy, healthy smoothie recipes, liver detox, paleo, smoothie recipe, vegan, vegetarian
Did You Make This Recipe?I want to see it! Tag @the.roasted.root on social media!

Anti-Inflammatory Immunity-Boosting Liver Detox Smoothie - this nutritious smoothie recipe is designed to support your liver and boost your immunity!

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Julia Mueller
Meet the Author

Julia Mueller

Julia Mueller is a recipe developer, cookbook author, and founder of The Roasted Root. She has authored three bestselling cookbooks, – Paleo Power Powers, Delicious Probiotic Drinks, and The Quintessential Kale Cookbook. Her recipes have been featured in several national publications such as BuzzFeed, Self, Tasty, Country Living,, etc.

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Questions and Reviews

  1. Sorry did not get the whole receipe. I got the ingredients. So I put them in the blender or juicer


  2. thank you, I need to be nice to my liver, hope I can make up to it with this, thank you, and a tasty way to do it too!

    1. @Marilyn, Helping your liver will definitely support you with Chronic Fatigue (speaking from experience). I also found a good quality Spirulina powder in a smoothie gives me energy. Nutrition is key with Chronic Fatigue.

  3. My daughter who is 30 is having high ALT and I am worried. She is going to have another blood test in a month. Can this smoothie help her lower them? Please help.

    1. Hi Mirella,

      I’m sorry to hear about your daughter – my heart goes out to you and your family! Unfortunately, I have no medical background, so I can’t give medical advice. I would consult a functional medicine doctor, or someone who has experience healing individuals through food. I wish I could give you a better answer! Best of luck!! xoxox

    1. @Jody Smith, thanks for the idea. I have a goji berry plant and didn’t know what to do with the berries.

    1. Hi Vivian!

      I personally don’t drink this smoothie every day, but you certainly could if you wanted to! If you’re looking for a complete liver detox, you’ll want to make other adjustments to your diet as well if you haven’t already. I’ll be writing a post on detoxing your liver soon! xx

  4. I’m so happy I found this post. I typically quit drinking for the month of January so your smoothie recipe will really give my body the cleanse it needs. I’m on a smoothie kick right now so I’ll be pinning this recipe as a reminder to make it next week!

  5. Love this! I’ve been working a lot on including liver detoxing foods since this past fall when I did a three-day detox program before my wedding, and this smoothie will be a great way to keep it going! I’m eager to try the hemp protein powder since I’ve never had it before!

  6. Looks like we’re both riding the smoothie train right now! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I need all the detox I can get considering that I ate 1.6 bajillion cookies in the last month. I love all of the goodness in your version, like fresh turmeric and parsley. I know I’d be feeling great after one of these and boys!

  7. You’ve got me convinced that I need to work on detoxing my liver after reading your list of symptoms (and I did drink too much vino over the holidays)! This post was very educational and I’ll do better to take care of the old liver. This smoothie will make it easy — I’m totally going to try it!