An Update on My Gut Health! This post is all about what life is like after healing from a parasitic and bacterial overgrowth and leaky gut. If you have struggled with IBS symptoms, you’re in the right place!

An update on my gut health - life after IBS

After posting about How I Healed My Gut, Iโ€™ve had many individuals reach out to me in order to share their story and to ask further questions. 

Many of you have asked how Iโ€™m doing now…if Iโ€™m able to eat higher FODMAP foods and eat more variety after healing my gut. Because my experience is incredibly common, I figured Iโ€™d give you a little update on how life is after healing. 

My hope is it will encourage you on your own healing journey if thatโ€™s where you are. YES, it is very possible to heal!

For those of you who are new here, I encourage you to go back and read my previous posts on my journey. The quick rundown is, I had IBS symptoms for upwards of a decade before discovering I had a parasitic infection, h. pylori, and leaky gut. Since then I have shared my story…and here is where I am now!

Before we get started, I want to reiterate I am not a medical professional. I donโ€™t even have a certificate from the school of google, so as always, consume everything I say through that lens. Iโ€™m just here sharing my story ๐Ÿ™‚

Letโ€™s GOOOO!

Where I Am Now With My Gut Health:

Overall summary: I feel like a normal human. 

Healing my gut to the point that I stopped having IBS symptoms took upwards of eight months. This is how long it took for my IBS symptoms to go away and stay away, so my guess is the complete healing probably took closer to a year. 

It felt like a slow start, but once I started feeling consistently better, my health seemed to get better and better every day, week, month, by orders of magnitude. 

That is the beauty of the human body. We are designed to heal.

It has now been about a year and a half since I stopped having any IBS symptoms. 

Before, I ate a very limited diet – animal protein, low-FODMAP vegetables (basically only carrots, zucchini, and a small amount of broccoli) and white rice. 

Now, I eat whatever I want (with the caveat that some foods do still come with repercussions…but that is everyone).

I used to steer clear of high-FODMAP foods (onion, garlic, celery, cabbage, beans, high fructose fruit, etc, etc), and now I can eat almost anything without having any symptoms. 

Granted, I typically am mindful about the amount of high-FODMAP foods I eat because they will mess with anyone when consumed in too large a quantity. 

In this sense, not all of my meals include high FODMAP foods, but I do eat them regularly without having any trouble.

I used to have a difficult time processing raw vegetables and now I can eat ginormous salads without any problems. That said, I do tend to stick to cooked foods because raw vegetables do carry live critters. I feel itโ€™s better to throw my immune system a bone by not introducing critters for it to kill.

There are still some foods I donโ€™t eat at all and some I eat very rarely.

How I healed from IBS

The Foods I Donโ€™t Eat:

I do continue to stay away from gluten, alcohol, coffee, refined sugar, and dairy (mostly fresh dairy products like milk, cream and unaged cheeses. Iโ€™m completely fine with aged cheese but rarely eat it anyway).

I have both Raynaud’s and hypothyroidism, which makes me particularly sensitive to inflammatory foods, and I have a tendency toward leaky gut. 

Wheat (and gluten), alcohol and sugar are highly inflammatory foods and are known for poking holes in your intestines and causing leaky gut (learn more about leaky gut in this podcast with Rhonda Patrick)

Because of this, it makes sense to me to keep gluten, alcohol and sugar out of my diet. I also donโ€™t have an issue not eating them. 

Iโ€™ve never been emotionally attached to foods containing gluten, as they have always made me feel ill (since childhood). Iโ€™m not celiac, but I have never processed gluten-containing foods efficiently – they make me extremely constipated, gassy and used to make me nauseous.

The way I see it, there are many, many other sources of carbohydrate, some of which are incredibly nutritious (such as sweet potatoes, blueberries, etc), so I choose to get my carbs from foods that have a higher nutrient value that I process well.

What about sugar? In addition to sugar causing systemic inflammation, leaky gut, hormonal imbalances, and insulin sensitivity, high blood sugar and diabetes runs in my family so I need to be careful with it myself.  

Iโ€™ve also noticed huge mood swings when I do eat sugar (of any type, including honey and pure maple syrup), so I try to limit my intake as much as possible. I do have a difficult time staying off of sugar, though!

Alcohol is a tricky one for me, because I absolutely love it, but I find it to be hugely detrimental to my health. I have a natural tendency toward addiction, so for me alcohol in moderation has never been a thing. The last time I drank alcohol was July 4, 2018…you can probably guess why. Again, alcohol is one of the primary causes for leaky gut, which was my primary health issue for years, so Iโ€™m fine with not drinking it. 

And coffee. I mentioned in my last post that I took the ELISA ACT food sensitivity test which revealed an extreme sensitivity to dairy and coffee. At that time, I was drinking 40 ounces of coffee daily, so breaking the habit was particularly emotional for me. Once I did kick my coffee habit, my health leveled up substantially. I still drink my Earl Grey Matcha Latte every morning.

Life after IBS

I have not re-tested my food sensitivities (is recommended to eliminate the foods youโ€™re sensitive to for 6 months, then re-test), and I do intend to at some point. I would absolutely love to add coffee back to my life.

All of this said, I do not think it is appropriate to demonize any food. All foods have their place for all people. Each individual has a unique microbiome (and virome!!) of bacteria and yeast, fit for a specific way of eating. It would be inappropriate to say any one individual should or should not eat a certain food.

Unless there is an underlying health condition or a  specific weight loss goal, I wouldnโ€™t recommend limiting what you eat, as it can absolutely cause a long-term pattern of dysfunctional behavior around food. 

Even with those two exceptions, it is imperative to have a clear understanding of the goal and a clear path on how to get there because both wellness and fat loss can easily become an obsession.

My personal food philosophy is to eat real food. I donโ€™t eat processed food the majority of the time, but I definitely give into temptation from time to time…I believe enjoying life is a part of the human experience, and if that means eating sushi or homemade brownies, I am in! I’ve said this before, but I truly donโ€™t care what other people eat; however, I do care about what I put in my body. 

Why I Donโ€™t Post Low-FODMAP Recipes Anymore:

I have a fairly extensive catalog of Low-FODMAP recipes on my site. When my gut health was at its worst, I exclusively developed low-FODMAP recipes, because it was all I could eat without having IBS symptoms. I do eat the food I post, so I couldnโ€™t justify making recipes I wasnโ€™t eating.

In this sense, because I now eat a great variety of foods, I post recipes that more often than not contain high-FODMAP foods (particularly onion and garlic). I often put in the Recipe Adaptations section of my post how to make a recipe low-FODMAP for those of you who are still struggling.

You generally cannot get rid of a bad infection using diet as your only tool. 

A Low-FODMAP diet provides incredible relief when youโ€™re in the thick of a flair, but it shouldnโ€™t be used as the only line of defence when it comes to healing. 

If youโ€™ve done low-FODMAP and your gut issues havenโ€™t improved, it is time to collect more tools. 

For the sake of efficiency, I would strongly suggest working with a functional medicine practitioner who uses tests (like the GI Map and cycle mapping) to uncover the underlying issue. It can be expensive and the majority of them donโ€™t take insurance, but depending on how severe your symptoms are, it is worth having a carefully crafted plan from an experienced individual and actually see results. 

I worked with and continue to work with Dena Norton (over the phone!) in order to uncover what was off and come up with a plan to heal.

For years, I tried maintaining my IBS symptoms through dietary restriction and not only did it not get rid of my problems (blastocystis hominis, h. Pylori, and leaky gut), but it caused me to have a very odd relationship with food. I was afraid of food and also was fairly neurotic about what I would eat. 

Low-FODMAP helped me tremendously during my time of need to provide temporary relief, but it never resolved the issue. So while Iโ€™m not a professional, I would recommend to anyone with gut troubles to first try Low-FODMAP for one month. If the symptoms arenโ€™t gone after that timeframe, see someone to help. Life is too short to continue troubleshooting your health on your own. 

Low-Carb Coffee Cake recipe made with almond flour and coconut flour. Keto friendly, dairy-free, moist and delicious

Have I Had IBS Flairs Since Healing My Leaky Gut?

Yes. BUT, they arenโ€™t nearly as bad. 

It is important to remember that health is not a straight upward trajectory on the linear path to Mecca. There are always dips and setbacks.

I get small flairs when I overdo it on a specific food I know doesnโ€™t sit well with me. Sugar, almond flour, and/or sugar alcohols seem to be my biggest culprits. 

These things in moderation are just fine, but every body has a tolerance level for certain foods and if you surpass that tolerance, you wonโ€™t feel well. 

So for instance (on two separate occasions), I ate half the Dairy-Free Coffee Cake I posted recently, and half of the batch of those Grain-Free Lemon Poppy Seed Blondies, which was simply too much in one sitting. The aftermath in both situations was a lot of gas, bloating, high blood sugar, and crazy mood swings.

I think this would happen to just about anyone who did the same. So what I experience now is what I would consider to be normal. I do have flairs, they are very rare, and I can usually pinpoint the cause immediately. 

This is a sharp contrast to what I used to experience, which was constant flairs that would happen seemingly at random with no known cause, and very uncomfortable (and stinky) symptoms.

What GI blips have experienced since healing my gut have been minute compared to what they used to be. 

Paleo Lemon Poppy Seed Blondies made with almond flour and pure maple syrup - a healthy blondie recipe

Where I Am Now With My Hormone Health:

Overall summary: Iโ€™m having regular periods. Sub-summary: my hormones are raging.

I mentioned in my last post on gut health that I had hormonal issues alongside my IBS (it is common for the two to exist in tandem). 

Through consistently undereating and losing too much body fat (mostly due to trying to micromanage my IBS symptoms but also partially due to vanity), I didnโ€™t have a period for two years. 

This condition is known as amenorrhea. Amenorrhea is defined by the medical world as missing more than one cycle sequentially.

The female body halts its ovulation cycle when something is occurring to direct a massive amount of energy away from it. 

Amenorrhea can occur for many reasons. The most common include: 

  • A woman is not fueling properly – not eating enough calories to compensate for calories burned in a day for a long period of time and thus loses too much body fat. This can also occur if a woman isnโ€™t eating enough carbohydrate OR enough fat, but is eating enough calories. Hormones are made from dietary cholesterol, so when a woman is not eating enough calories or enough fat, hormones are not produced in the amount needed to fuel regular functions. This can lead to digestive issues and again, amenorrhea. It can also lead to imbalanced hormones and low libido in general without getting to the point of amenorrhea (hormone imbalances due to lack of dietary fat occur in men too!), so if your hormones are off, check in to see if you’re eating enough fat.
  • A woman is exercising too heavily – the body goes into fight or flight mode and detects there is an external threat (whatโ€™s common is the combination of exercising too much and eating too little). Your body does not distinguish between physical and psychological stress, so if youโ€™re constantly stressing your body beyond what it believes is reasonable, it wonโ€™t allow you to reproduce.
  • There is an underlying medical issue that is stopping ovulation. – This can include something hormone-related such as PCOS, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, or a non hormone issue such as some sort of infection (bacterial, parasitic, or viral. This could be anything from a really gnarly cold to any sort of bacterial or parasitic overgrowth in the gut).

Put simply: the body decides having a baby is the last thing necessary and so it makes it impossible to have a baby by halting ovulation.

The human body is wicked smart. I’ve learned to stop trying to out-smart it ๐Ÿ˜‰

If the body does not have enough fuel to lead a normal existence, anything that isnโ€™t crucial (ovulating, proper digestion, mental wellness) is halted so that the fuel is directed to the mandatory functions (just staying alive).

My fix for getting my period back was to gain a few pounds of body fat. No, I was not happy about that and I’m still not thrilled, but in my mind it is more important to be a generally healthy individual than to be skinny.

How the Gut Microbiome Works (From A Non-Expert):

Symptoms are a warning signal, and they are often caused because of an outside stressor.

One of my personality traits that set me back while I was having IBS for years was the dire need to micromanage my health. 

For this reason, I think it is important to break down some facts about how the gut microbiome works to potentially ease your fears (if you have them).

The gut microbiome is a complex system of organisms constantly working with you and against you on your lifeโ€™s journey. Sometimes your own unique balance becomes imbalanced, which can cause symptoms. 

Gut issues range in severity and they are so incredibly common. This planet is densely populated with innumerable bacteria, yeast, parasites, mold (natureโ€™s cleanup crew!), and viruses, with one sole purpose: survival. Some beneficial to our health, and some detrimental. 

This isnโ€™t to normalize bad gut health.

My opinion is it is important to resolve health issues so that I can live a long comfortable life. However, with the rise in information regarding the gut microbiome over the last decade, there has also been a rise in fear and sometimes over-reactivity.

This is what we do as humans. If thereโ€™s a potential problem, we have it. 

If thereโ€™s an easy solution, we find the path of most resistance. 

My history with IBS - Julia Mueller

It’s a Fine Balance:

Truly, your body wants to be in a constant state of homeostasis but our modern culture is set up to constantly keep us off balance. Think: social media, widespread panic, internal and perceived external pressure to be a perfect supreme being, stressful work environment, family life, etc.

You know how life works…a little of something can be great…too much of that thing can be toxic.

There are numerous triggers to causing lack of balance in your gut microbiome and virome, but here are what seem to be the most common (again, coming from a non-expert)

1.) A pathogenic bacteria, parasite, mold, or virus is introduced to the system and your immune system (likely for one of the reasons below) isnโ€™t able to fight it, so it populates your system and causes symptoms. 

2.) Stress – one of the most common reasons we get sick is many of us are chronically stressed. Our immune system is constantly battling to bring our bodies back to homeostasis. When weโ€™re in this constant state of fight or flight due to work, challenging relationships, over-exercise, a processed diet and/or under-eating, our immune system doesnโ€™t have a chance to catch up, so we create a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.

3.) Lack of Sleep – This could be lumped in with Stress, since missing sleep is incredibly stressful for our bodies, but good sleep is so crucial that it is worth calling out.

4.) Hormonal Imbalance – When hormones are off, many other systems in our bodies are off as well, including digestion. With improper digestion, our bodies are unable to eliminate excess pathogens, which can cause overgrowth.

5.) Inefficient Detox – Iโ€™m not an expert on how the body detoxes, so I will just describe it the way I look at it. Imagine a pool of stagnant water, versus a river. The pool of stagnant water is at risk to grow a concentration of few organisms, whereas a river is a buzzing metropolis of both good and bad organisms, and is functioning in a constant state of flow. We want to be rivers. Inefficient detox can occur for so many reasons. If youโ€™re interested in the topic, I suggest reading about it from a trusted source!

6.) Food Sensitivity – There is great debate as to whether or not this is an actual thing, but look – some humans digest beans well and some don’t. Every human body does not tolerate every single edible food on the planet with flying colors, and this is due to the type of bacteria present in your microbiome. Some people do well with meat and some people do not. The human body is very adaptable so it is entirely possible to wean yourself onto a food you normally don’t tolerate well, BUT doing so is a tax on your immune system, which means introducing foods you’re sensitive to should be done with caution, planning, and time.

7.) Inflammation – Whether from an underlying health condition (hypothyroidism, IBD, rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune disease) or from lifestyle choices, inflammation is a major contributor to a disrupted gut. Monitoring your inflammation dramatically effects the health of your gut and hormones. This means keeping your stress level low, getting lots of rest, exercising (but not overdoing it), and eating low-inflammatory foods.

These are just some examples.

All of that said, you can see how it is almost a guarantee we all have weird GI stuff crop up from time to time. That is normal. Chronic symptoms that arise seemingly out of the blue is still normal, but should be addressed

How to Improve Your Gut Health:

The great news is, flip some or all of the aforementioned triggers to poor gut health upside down, and you can achieve great gut health! 

For instance, get great rest, eat a reasonable diet, exercise but not like youโ€™re escaping from zombies all day every day, work on balancing your hormones, try to avoid introducing an abundance of new harmful organisms to your system through unsanitary cooking or living practices, etc.

Meditation, finding your own spiritual grounding, and/or improving your relationship with self are powerfully healing to your physical form!

It is easy to over-do it on restricting your diet, exercising too much, allowing those demons in your head to stop you in your tracks, and unintentionally set yourself back.

If you have a laid back personality, this is probably not an issue you face. If youโ€™re a perfectionist by nature (like me), try to keep the facts close to you. Your body is not tarnished, you are not alone, and your body is doing what itโ€™s supposed to do.

So if you’re like me, you can take yourself off high alert. Gravity won’t reverse itself, I promise.

How I healed from IBS

Finding my own balance in life is a constant challenge. I love to work, I love to exercise, and I love to eat. When one or more of those things gets whacky because I’m pushing too hard, I must find my way back to homeostasis. When left unchecked for too long, I do notice my hormones are off, my mood and/or energy level goes down, and it takes a near breakdown to find my way back. 

You Can Heal:

I have to pause and reflect. When I would read blog posts like this from women who had gone through the ringer with their gut health, healed, and lived to tell the tale, I always thought, โ€œThat couldnโ€™t possibly be me. I couldnโ€™t possibly heal. I canโ€™t imagine being able to regain a normal life.โ€ 

But here I am living a completely normal life. The way I feel today is an incredible contrast to how I felt both physically and mentally before I healed.

So if this is you…if you think you canโ€™t healโ€ฆ.You can. And you absolutely will if you choose to!

You are designed to heal.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Love you!


Julia Mueller
Meet the Author

Julia Mueller

Julia Mueller is a recipe developer, cookbook author, and founder of The Roasted Root. She has authored three bestselling cookbooks, – Paleo Power Powers, Delicious Probiotic Drinks, and The Quintessential Kale Cookbook. Her recipes have been featured in several national publications such as BuzzFeed, Self, Tasty, Country Living,, etc.

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Questions and Reviews

  1. Thank you so much for the information on IBS and how you managed to overcome by diet, exercise, mindfulness, mediation but most of all your wise words on how to overcome all the awful symptoms that come with dealing with IBS.Greatly appreciated ๐Ÿ’
    Thank you ๐Ÿ™
    Take care, Carolyn

    1. Hi Carolyn! Thanks so much for the sweet note! I appreciate you taking the time to send your love, and I’m happy to hear my story has been helpful ๐Ÿ™‚ You take care too! xo

  2. Hi!
    Thank you so much for sharing your story. Iโ€™m curious to know about your diet during your healing journey. Did you only eat rice, vegetables, and animal protein for a while? Then slowly introduced all of your low fodmap recipes? Or were you enjoying a variety of foods and low fodmap recipes throughout the entirety of your journey?

    Thanks so much!

    1. Hi there! The majority of the time, I ate low-FODMAP vegetables, rice, and animal protein. Spices and coconut milk sat well with me so I ate a lot of Thai curry so that my meals were flavorful. I definitely had moments where I would eat other foods – sometimes I would react to them and sometimes I wouldn’t. After healing, I’ve been able to eat everything without having bad reactions. I hope this helps!

  3. Thank you for taking the time to share such an incredibly thorough and honest post. Canโ€™t tell you how much I appreciate the transparency and details and can only imagine how many other readers it has helped and inspired. Thank you!

    1. My pleasure! I’m so happy to hear it was a valuable read. It can feel odd being vulnerable, but if it helps other people it is definitely worth it ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for the sweet note! xoxo

    2. @Julia, Hi I’m sooo elated that I came across your website from a recipe someone shared on Facebook. Thank you for sharing your journey and experience.
      Over 4 years ago I got terribly sick; I had abdominal cramps,bloating and diarrhea.
      My abdomen would swell and I would be in soo much pain. I was placed on several rounds of antibiotics but to no avail and my symptoms exacerbated.
      My condition was misdiagnosed and my body paid for it after taking several doses of antibiotics.
      I was frustrated and fed up with my situation and the Drs. couldn’t help me.
      I then saw a Gastroenterologist who did an Endoscopy and I was then placed on a low Fodmap diet.
      That helped temporarily but I was still having the symptoms.(During this time no recommendations were made to me to use probiotics etc. to help build back and restore my gut health).
      I then saw an Internal Specialist and then upon doing further procedures and lab tests it was revealed that I had a parasitic infection along with IBS Symptoms.
      The Internist then recommended a parasite cleanse. From then I started to work with a Naturopath.
      Added to that I was trying to manage my PCOS, but because of all the stress and sudden and rapid diet change I didn’t get my period for over 8 months.
      And then to crown it all off I got a DVT from taking hormonal pills within 6 months of being diagnosed with the parasitic infection.
      My limited diet then had to further change again.
      I was depressed, stressed, frustrated and overwhelmed.
      But then slowly with the help of my husband(God bless his soulโ˜บ)I began my healing journey.
      Today, 4 years later, I have my periods back, parasites completely gone and managing my DVT symptoms.
      Healing is possible for anyone with a little faith, a lot patience and whole lot of consistency.
      Thanks for reading my mouthful!!.

      1. Hi Dorris! Thanks so much for sharing your experience! I know it can be so frustrating to not have answers for so long – to see improvements here and there, only to have the symptoms return. Big kudos to you for continuing to look for answers and for working on your health – it’s so important to advocate for yourself, and you made it! Much love to you and your husband! It’s amazing how important it is to have love and support when you’re going through a chronic health issue. Big hugs! xo

  4. Hi there, thanks for sharing your story. I’m wondering if you continue to take the goats colostrum supplement ongoing due to the low igA levels? Thanks!

    1. Hi Courtney! I continued taking the goat colostrum for over a year, but I don’t anymore ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope that helps!

  5. I was hunting for a bean bread recipe and I came across this site . Your experience is so familiar to me (I have food sensitivities and inflammation issues and have had for many years. I used to take allergy shots until all of my triggers were weaned out of my diet. When I moved in with my mother, my diet took a big turn for the worse. I can not ignore how different foods affected me) This a quick comment to say thank you for taking the time to put this site together. I am much appreciative.

    1. Big hugs to you, Lisa! I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with health issues, and I’m happy my posts have helped. My warmest wishes to you and your family! I hope you continue finding answers and keep improving xoxoxo

  6. Thank you for sharing your story and your fantastic recipes. You got me believing the diagnosis of IBS and set me on the path of healing. The Dr. Gundry diet cured me. Your recipes make the transition to foods that like our body much easier and the whole family loves them.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your story. For years I’ve been treating the wrong symptoms… First through hormone therapy and then thyroid. Turns out it’s actually leaky gut. I’m in my 7th week of my Candida Bacterial Overgrowth protocol and your recipes have been a godsend. It’s been a rough journey and I still have about 5 weeks to go.

    I’ve been following Dr. Stephen Cabral, a naturopath and specializes in Ayurvedic medicine. Have you heard of him? He talks about the importance of also sealing your healy gut to protect it from unwanted critters returning. Maybe this would further support your journey towards healing?

    I am definitely healing, but I still have bad days. I never had anxiety or depression until a few years ago. Thankfully that’s gone and I’m feeling more like myself. My word recall was very poor, which also added to my anxiety because I’m a professor. I need words to teach and write!! I haven’t lost any weight on my CBO protocol, which is frustrating, but I’m hoping that will eventually happen. I’m only 5’3″ so 10 lbs would go a long way.

    Thank you again for sharing your story and your delicious recipes. The mouths I feed are so appreciative!

    Best wishes!

    1. Hi Amanda!

      Thank you so much for sharing your story! I’m so happy to hear you’re feeling better and better, and that’s amazing you found a protocol and people to help you on your journey! I haven’t heard of Dr. Stephen Cabral, but I’ll look him up! I do take a supplement that helps seal my gut lining – I attribute much of my healing to that one supplement! It’s incredible how healing natural medicine can be ๐Ÿ˜€ Much love to you, m’dear! In no time at all, you’ll be able to look back on your experience and feel like it was a different person who went through it. Big hugs!! xoxoxo