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Veggie-packed crispy avocado breakfast tacos with black beans, roasted sweet potato, cauliflower, eggs, and chipotle sauce. This nutritious breakfast taco recipe is perfect for brunch season! This post is sponsored by the California Avocado Commission. Allow me to introduce you to my latest food crush!: Breakfast tacos filled with crispy baked avocado, roasted sweet potato …

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Sweet and refreshing protein smoothie with turmeric, kiwi, banana, and yogurt. This delicious shake is a marvelous meal-on-the-go.

This post is sponsored by Svelte.

Turmeric Kiwi Protein Smoothie |

My mealtimes all revolve around protein. If you follow me on Instagram, I probably sound like a broken record, as I have mentioned many times in the past, I take a but first, protein approach to food. I make sure I get at least 20 grams of protein at every meal, and in the event that I snack between meals, I make sure my snacks are protein-centric as well.

In addition to making sure I get adequate protein throughout the day, I also tend to drink a smoothie for either breakfast or lunch. That may seem like a pretty light meal, but my smoothies are typically on the higher calorie end in the way of smoothies, and have a pretty decent macro profile.

I’ve found that having one liquid meal per day also helps with digestion – simply put, liquid is far easier for your body to process than solid food. In this sense, protein smoothies are currently a big deal in my life, as I usually drink them after I workout to replenish muscle glycogen and feed my broken down muscle fibers with protein.

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Huevos rancheros-style hummus toast with soft boiled egg, bacon, salsa, and green onion. This simple breakfast is an epic drool fest!

This post is sponsored by Sabra.

Huevos Rancheros Hummus Toast with soft boiled egg, bacon, and salsa | #hummustoast #breakfast


How’s your relationship with toast these days? Holding strong? On again, off again? Take it or leave it?

I personally go through phases when it comes to breakfast toast – I can go on a several months’-long kick, followed by a dry spell, followed by a re-ignition of the torrid toast flame. My toppings of choice? I always, always put an egg on it, and the remaining ingredients tend to evolve with the changing seasons.

If you’ve been a major toast advocate, I’m willing to bet you’ve dabbled in the avocado toast intermittently or for some of you, forcefully.  WELL. I’m popping in to tell you hummus toast is the new latest and greatest. Spread that ish like wild fire!

Read More about Huevos Rancheros Hummus Toast