How to make Bulletproof Coffee! Three ways of boosting your morning beverage to make the ultimate delicious bulletproof coffee.

Everything you need to know about fats, adaptogens, and flavors for your coffee or matcha right here! If you don’t do dairy, you can absolutely make bulletproof coffee without butter. Learn it all here!

How to Make Bulletproof Coffee - 6 ways! Fuel your day with boosted coffee for prolonged energy and additional health benefits!

Everything you could possibly want to know about making bulletproof coffee (also known as “butter coffee” or “keto coffee”) is contained right here in this post!

What is Bulletproof Coffee?

Bulletproof coffee is a frothy coffee drink wherein hot brewed coffee is blended with a combination of butter and coconut oil (or ghee and coconut oil or just butter). 

It tastes rich and creamy and so addicting! It is the preference for many folks who either love frothy coffee, paleo enthusiasts, or those who follow a low-carb keto diet.

Boosted coffee (and matcha) is all the rage, and for a good reason: adding a boost of nutrition to your morning joe to jump start your metabolism, boost your immune system, calm your nerves (and more!) adds even more validity to your daily habit.

I mean, why not? You’re already committed to a beautiful addiction, so how about we get a little something extra out of the deal to pump up our fuel cells?

Drinking bulletproof coffee has been one of my daily habits for almost three years, and I must say, after all this time, I have it down to an art.

Trying everything from coconut oil to grass-fed butter, ghee, MCT oil, I’ve gone sweetened and unsweetened, made a mocha out of it, boosted it with collagen, flavored it with vanilla bean and cinnamon…you name it!

So I’m going to tell you about the myriad of ways you can boost your morning coffee (or matcha!). I’ll give you my go-to recipe for bulletproof coffee along with several other recipe ideas.

I used to drink 3 cups of coffee per day, but after I began drinking bulletproof coffee, I no longer saw the purpose – one large cup of bulletproof wakes me up and keeps me energized, and for me, the flavor is so satisfying that I don’t crave the additional cups. 

Now, I brew one large cup of coffee (I typically do pour-over), pour it in my blender with coconut oil or ghee and collagen powder, and blend for a good long while until it’s nice and frothy.

When it comes to boosting your coffee, you have so many options for the fat you use, any additional supplements, as well as flavor add ins.

Let us discuss! Starting with one of my favorite topics: Fat.


Saturated Fat. Do you hate it? Do you love it? I happen to consume a great deal of fat because it’s where a lot of my calories come from since I have so many food intolerances. It fuels me, gives me energy, makes me feel good, and dadgummit, I feel great eating a high-fat, low-carb diet!

That’s not to say a high-fat diet is for everyone – in fact, it only works well if you also don’t eat many carbohydrates – and you certainly shouldn’t drop everything right now and mow through a jar of coconut oil, it’s just to say I happen to enjoy a dollop of saturated fat in my morning joe.

Blending coffee with high-quality fat gives you that creamy richness you would normally get from half & half, while keeping it dairy-free and also healthful. Using fats like coconut oil, cacao butter, coconut butter, ghee, flax oil, or brain octane oil trains your body to begin burning fat as fuel first thing in the morning and throughout the day.

It also slows the rate at which your body processes the caffeine, so you don’t get a quick jittery jolt of energy, but rather a slow release of energy over a few-hour period. Blending the coffee with one (or more) of these ingredients also results in a frothy latte-like consistency, and it tastes marvelous (in my humble opinion).

If you want to dig deeper into a high-fat diet, you can look into ketosis, wherein your body trains itself to burn fat in lieu of carbohydrates for fuel.

This process requires some time, a lot of research, and only works if you eat a diet that’s very, very low in carbs. Combining a high-fat diet with a high-carbohydrate diet is a recipe for disaster. Bare this in mind when choosing your coffee fat – if you eat a great deal of carbs throughout the day, going wild with bulletproof coffee is probably not the best idea.

In addition to promoting fat burn, consuming a saturated fat like this in your coffee helps with satiety, in the sense that you won’t feel hungry for breakfast for another 2 hours or so. It can be nice to sip on your coffee and enjoy the birds chirping before rushing to the kitchen to feed your hangry monster.

How much fat should you use in bulletproof coffee?

That kind of depends upon personal preference. Most recipes I’ve seen on the internet call for 8 ounces of coffee to 1 tablespoon of fat (coconut oil, ghee, etc)…

The typical recipe for bulletproof coffee is 16 ounces of coffee, 1 tablespoon coconut oil + 1 tablespoon ghee. I find I like a higher coffee-to-oil ratio.

I do about 1 tablespoon of fat per 20 ounces of coffee and am super psyched with the result. You can play around with this for your optimal concoction!

What Type of Fat to Use in Bulletproof Coffee:

The two types of fat most commonly used in bulletproof coffee are coconut oil and ghee, but you can certainly use other fats as well.

Coconut Oil: The fat in coconut oil is mostly comprised of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which don’t require bile secretion to break down since they are shorter than other fats. It goes to your bloodstream and is immediately available for fuel rather than being stored as fat on your person. You probably already have coconut oil in your pantry!

I recommend using a high quality organic coconut oil, especially if you’re planning on drinking bulletproof coffee every day. I find the flavor of coconut oil to be very appealing, but it did take a little bit of time for me to get used to it after I had been drinking coffee with half & half for so long.

For those of you who follow a dairy-free diet, you can use all coconut oil instead of a combination of coconut oil and ghee.

Ghee: Ghee is clarified butter, which is a process wherein the milk solids and water are removed from butter (thereby removing the lactose) so that you’re left with – you guessed it- pure fat. Ghee contains Fat Soluble Vitamins A, D and E. Like the other fats we’ve discussed so far, ghee is helpful to those who have digestive issues or gluten sensitivity, as it helps repair damage.

It’s also handy because it’s an efficient source of Vitamin A, which is a difficult nutrient to absorb when you have digestive ailments. What does it taste like? Butter! But even butterier. Learn more about Ghee here

Cacao Butter: Similar to coconut oil, cacao butter is full of saturated fat. It’s great for your skin and is full of antioxidants. When cacao beans are processed for cacao butter or cacao powder, they are fermented, then roasted. This process separates the cacao butter from the cacao solids, which are then turned into cacao powder.

From a quality fat standpoint, I wouldn’t say cacao butter is at the top of my list, but flavor-wise? Holy mackerel! Cacao butter generates a super creamy and rich flavor and makes for an incredible coffee treat. One upside to buying cacao butter is it’s shelf-stable and lasts for a very long time, so you don’t necessarily need to be concerned with getting through it quickly.

Coconut Butter: Coconut butter is a good source of lauric acid, helping destroy harmful bacteria and boosting your immune system. Similar to the two fats above, coconut butter is helpful in boosting your metabolism all while making you feel full. It also contains amino acids, calcium, and magnesium.

Brain Octane Oil (a.k.a. C8 MCT Oil) Okay, here’s where stuff gets real interesting and somewhat complicated, but I’ll try to be concise. There are several types of medium-chain triglycerides (a.k.a. MCTs or fats) in coconuts – C6, C8, C10, and C12. C6 can be very irritating on the gut, so if you purchase MCT oil, just be sure it has a very low (or no) amount of C6 (it will say on the back of the container near the nutrition label). C8 is the best out of all of the MCTs because it converts to ketones (usable energy) almost immediately, and suppresses your hunger hormone, ghrelin, thereby providing enormous satiety. Brain Octane Oil is C8 and has been touted as a very efficient fuel source, helping achieve ketosis, and boosts your energy level like a champion.

If you’re brand new to Brain Octane Oil, I strongly suggest you start small – only add 1 teaspoon to your coffee to start out (you can add more regular coconut oil or other fat of choice) and go from there.

I read this prior to trying it, and I still added 2 teaspoons on my first go. It didn’t make my belly happy, but I have a sensitive digestive system. Just food for thought. MCT oil is flavorless, and doesn’t have as rich or creamy of a flavor as the other options, but from a ketosis standpoint, MCT oil is king. 

As a side note, I’ve also seen recipes where people have added egg yolks to their coffee for texture, richness, protein, and fat. I’ve never tried this method myself, so I can’t speak to it, but just know it’s an option.

What Type of Collagen To Use in Bulletproof Coffee:

Collagen is our body’s most prominent protein. Due to the high amount of processing our meat goes through, collagen has virtually been eliminated from our food. Many of us need to supplement our collagen intake to ensure we have the building blocks we need for strong bones and joints and healthy tendons and connective tissue. Collagen improves the youth and elasticity of your skin, strength and shine of your hair, and strength of your nails.

Collagen and gelatin (which is very similar to collagen) are very helpful for those who have digestive issues such as IBS or leaky gut, as its amino acids help repair the damaged cell wall of your intestines and help break down proteins.

Both gelatin and collagen dissolve in hot liquid, are flavorless, and happen to make coffee frothy when blended! I use a scant tablespoon in my coffee, but most recipes I’ve seen on the internet call for 1 teaspoon. My two favorites are marine collagen and beef gelatin. Beef gelatin makes bulletproof coffee extra frothy and creamy.

6 Ways to make Bulletproof Coffee, plus everything you need to know about boosting coffee and matcha

Adaptogens / Herbs / Supplements:

Here’s where things can get really interesting. You can add all sorts of adaptogens, herbs, and/or natural supplements to your coffee (or matcha) to increase your overall well-being.

Adaptogens are natural substances (such as herbs or ground up plants and potions) that help you adapt to stressful situations, lower anxiety, and help create a normalizing effect in your body. 

They can help with digestive issues and autoimmune disease. Many adaptogens help lower cortisol levels (that pesky stress hormone that causes you to retain excess belly fat) and heal you from adrenal fatigue. Note that with adaptogens, you’ll need to consume them in small amounts regularly before you see any effects – they don’t necessarily work overnight.

Do you need to add a adaptogens to still see benefits from a supercharged cup of joe? Absolutely not. But if you read through some of these magical descriptions, you may land on something that can cure, treat, or alleviate something you’re currently going through physically or mentally.

How much you should add to your coffee depends on the product – I have noted my recommendation for amount to each item. If you’re new to adding adaptogens or herbs to your coffee, I’d start off simple by only adding one at a time, rather than a whole slew of them to slowly observe the effects (if any) it has on your body.

When all’s said and done, you shouldn’t be adding more than say 2 or 3 to your morning beverage (if any).

Ashwaganda  –  An adaptogenic herb that can help regulate cortisol (your stress hormone responsible for retaining fat and messing with your metabolism), normalize blood pressure, heart rate and increase metabolic rate by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes for protein and fat. Add 1 teaspoon to your coffee or matcha.

Astralagus Root – An adaptogen that is helpful in reducing stress and lowering cortisol.

Rhodiola – Reduces stress related fatigue, relieves anxiety, and slows down aging. Helps improve memory and may help with weight loss.

Turmeric – high in antioxidants Note that turmeric will change the flavor of your coffee to be even more bitter, so use sparingly, or use only in matcha. I’d use less than ¼ teaspoon to start and go from there.

Maca Powder – Comes from maca root as a finely ground powder that can be added to coffee, matcha, smoothies, protein bars and balls, etc. Includes 20 essential amino acids and small amounts of vitamins and fiber. May help regulate hormones, boosts libido, strength, stamina, and promotes hair growth. Proven to help with PCOS, PMS, and menopause. Add 1 teaspoon to your coffee or matcha.

Bee pollen – Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, boosts immune system, relieves stress. Add 1 teaspoon to your coffee or matcha. May help with seasonal allergies.

Ginger – Packed with medicinal properties, ginger has been used to treat nausea and a slew of digestive ailments for thousands of years. Ginger helps ensure food properly moves throughout your digestive system and is thereby absorbed rather than getting stuck and fermenting into something gnarly. Packed with antioxidants and a natural antibiotic, ginger promotes an overall healthy immune system. Add less than a ¼ teaspoon of fresh or ground ginger to your coffee or matcha, and adjust for flavor accordingly.

Chaga Mushroom Powder – Chaga mushrooms help boost your immune system, helps heal an angry gut, particularly ulcers and gastrointestinal inflammation. It’s packed with antioxidants, is a natural antimicrobial, and antiviral. You can make an actual tea out of chaga, but you can also blend it up with your coffee – it has a slightly nutty almost woodsy flavor. Add 1 teaspoon to your coffee or matcha.

How to Make Bulletproof Coffee 6 different ways + all the information you need on fats, adaptogens, and flavors

Flavors & Sweeteners:

Raw cacao powder: Fancy a mocha? Adding raw cacao powder boosts your coffee’s antioxidants and provides that silky rich chocolatey taste. Combining coffee, cacao butter, raw cacao powder, pure maple syrup, and a pinch of ground cinnamon makes for an excellent healthier mocha option.

Ground cinnamon: Cinnamon is a pretty powerful natural tool for increasing your circulation. If you have Raynaud’s or circulation issues like me, a pinch of cinnamon is super tasty and helpful!

Chai Spice: During the fall and winter months, I love adding a little shake of Chai spice to my coffee for that ultimate warm cozy drink. You can buy store-bought Chai spice, or make your own blend!

Vanilla Bean or extract: I’m not a ginormous fan of using extracts in my coffee, but I do love the scrapings of a vanilla bean here or there! Only thing is vanilla beans are pretty pricy, so bear that in mind before you go making them a habit. You can also add peppermint extract to your bulletproof mocha for a little holiday inspiration. 

Pure Maple Syrup: My favorite liquid sweetener! I usually drink my coffee without any sweeteners, but in the event I’m making a homemade Irish Coffee or Mocha, I go for the pure maple syrup. If your body tolerates sugars well, you can always use raw organic cane sugar. Start with 1 teaspoon and go from there (most folks would find 2 to 3 teaspoons the most palatable).

Raw Honey: Not gonna lie, I have never been able to love honey in my coffee, but some folks swear by it! If honey is your favorite natural sweetener, go for it! Start with 1 teaspoon and go from there.
And that should at least get you started! Note, if you’re more into matcha than coffee, all the above still applies!

Can I Make Bulletproof Coffee Without Ghee?:

You don’t have to use ghee or butter in your bulletproof coffee to reap the same benefit!

The majority of the time, I use coconut oil only and skip the ghee or butter. As you will see in the recipe card below, my personal favorite way of making bulletproof coffee is 16 ounces of strong brewed coffee + 1 tablespoon coconut oil + 2 scoops beef gelatin (or marine collagen…I go both ways).

The recipe for my personal go-to for boosted coffee is below, but here are also lots of ideas for ingredient combinations (note: you can try this with matcha as well):

Bulletproof Coffee 3 ways:

  • 1: 2 tsp Brain Octane Oil (or MCT oil of choice), 1 tsp coconut oil, 12 to 16 ounces strong brewed coffee
  • 2: 1 tbl ghee, 12 to 16 ounces strong brewed coffee
  • 3: 1 tbl coconut oil or coconut butter, 12 to 16 ounces strong brewed coffee. 

Note: Add in 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of your favorite adaptogen such as Ashwaganda, bee pollen, turmeric or maca powder if you’d like.

Flavored + Sweetened Bulletproof Coffe:

Naturally Sweetened Mocha: 1 tbl cacao butter, 2 tsp raw cacao powder, 1 tsp collagen powder, 1 tbl pure maple syrup, 12 to 16 ounces strong brewed coffee

Vanilla Chai Latte: 1 tbl coconut butter, ¼ tsp chai spice, 1 tbl pure maple syrup, 1 vanilla bean, scraped, 12 to 16 ounces strong brewed coffee

Turmeric Coffee: 1 Tbsp coconut oil, 2 scoops beef gelatin, 1/4 tsp ground turmeric, 1 Tbsp pure maple syrup, 1/8 tsp pure vanilla extract

My cookbook, Paleo Power Bowls, is now available! CLICK HERE to check it out. Thank you for your support!

If you make bulletproof coffee, please feel free to share a photo and tag @The.Roasted.Root on Instagram!

And now, here’s my go-to bulletproof coffee recipe, which I drink every day!

How to Make Bulletproof Coffee - 6 ways! Fuel your day with boosted coffee for prolonged energy and additional health benefits!

Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

5 from 2 votes
a fabulous recipe for bulletproof coffee with options for adaptations.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings: 1 cup of coffee



  • Add everything to a blender and blend on high for 30 seconds to 1 minute until very creamy and frothy. Pour into a fancy mug, and enjoy!


*Adjust the amount of coconut oil you use up or down according to personal preference. You can also use ghee, coconut butter, or flax oil
**You can also use marine collagen or beef collagen


Serving: 1coffee · Calories: 261kcal · Protein: 36g · Fat: 13g
Author: Julia
Course: Lifestyle
Cuisine: American
Keyword: bulletproof coffee, butter coffee, coffee recipe, ghee, keto, paleo
Did You Make This Recipe?I want to see it! Tag @the.roasted.root on social media!
How to Make Bulletproof Coffee - everything you need to know about making boosted coffee! Keto, paleo, whole30, healthy beverage recipe!

Julia Mueller
Meet the Author

Julia Mueller

Julia Mueller is a recipe developer, cookbook author, and founder of The Roasted Root. She has authored three bestselling cookbooks, – Paleo Power Powers, Delicious Probiotic Drinks, and The Quintessential Kale Cookbook. Her recipes have been featured in several national publications such as BuzzFeed, Self, Tasty, Country Living,, etc.

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Questions and Reviews

    1. Hi Lisa! I was using the VitaCup cartridges that didn’t have MCT, so in that case, I would add it. I wouldn’t add additional MCT to something that already has it, but that’s my personal preference because my belly can only handle a small amount of MCT before it gets queasy. For those who are well-adapted to MCT, adding it may be no problem 😉

  1. I have been drinking bulletproof for over a year now and love it. I use 1 tablespoon Kerrygold, 1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil, a dash of SweetLeaf Organic Stevia Sweetener to 10 oz. of coffee. I am interested in implementing the C8 MCT oil into this. What would be the best way to do this? What would you supplement with the MCT oil? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Hi Gloria! I would start small with the MCT oil because it can make some people queasy, so it’s best to start small. So I would do 1 tbsp butter, 2 tsp MCT oil and 1 tsp regular coconut oil to start out. If you end up liking the MCT oil, you can always increase it to 1 tbsp. Hope you enjoy!

  2. I meant to say MCT oil and Kerrygold grass fed Irish butter. Have you tried this combination ?

  3. Great article. I just started making bulletproof coffee and you have been giving me new ideas. What I started with is MTC oil and Kerrygold pure Irish butter. Have you used this before ?

  4. I just started drinking bulletfproof coffee (my version) I use 12-16 oz starbucks house blend coffee, 1 tablespoon organic coconut oil, 1 tablespoon kerrygold irish butter, pinch of turmeric, pinch of cinnamon, blend. am I using too much fat?or making it all wrong? its so good and I feel much better drinking coffee this way instead of with half and half and other creamers.

    1. Hi Rosie, That sounds great! I don’t think you’re using too much fat at all…most people use 1 tablespoon of fat per 8 ounces of coffee for optimal creaminess, so really the amount of fat you use is up to you. Since you’re feeling great, I’d say you’re onto something good here! Love that you use turmeric and cinnamon!! xo

  5. So much great info here! I love bulletproof coffee with ghee. Can’t wait to try some of these new ways!

  6. Can you do coffee with ghee and MC
    T and collagen plus a lump of cocoa butter or is that too rich or too much fat ?? I have been experimenting. I find my coffee is very oily. Please reply. Thanks for the great info. Could never find out much about it. Also how long would this sustain one before needing to eat. I e. When do I eat my first meal after the bulletproof.
    Thanks Pat

    1. Hi Pat, if you wanted to combine the three, I would do the three fats – ghee, MCT, and cocoa butter – I would only use 1 teaspoon of each and use 12 to 16 ounces of coffee. Add between 1 and 2 tsp collagen 🙂 I usually stay satisfied for 2 hours after drinking coffee. Hope this helps!! 🙂

  7. I have wanted to give this a try but being lazy did not want to dirty my blender blender. Has anyone had any success with using an immersion blender?

    1. Hi Jeannie, I’ve never used an immersion blender – I’m visualizing it would make a mess, but I could be wrong. You could try using a handheld milk frother (like this one:, although I don’t think it will do as good of a job of blending as an actual blender. When I’m done blending my coffee, I just pour a little soap in it, fill it with hot water, let it sit for a bit, then rinse it out…I don’t take much time to clean it. Hope this helps!

  8. I have been hearing a lot about bulletproof coffee, but have never tried it myself. Three years of drinking it? No wonder you know your stuff! Bookmarking this so that I can try it myself!!

  9. Combining coffee and vitamins is a genius idea! I also love that the cups are BPA-free and recyclable. I’m not a coffee drinker but I would certainly give that French Vanilla a try!

    Also, your photography is so on point, I can barely stand it.

    1. It certainly is a great product! The French Vanilla is definitely the best vanilla-flavored coffee I’ve tried. It’s so silky smooth and heavenly! 😉

  10. I was cleaning out my pantry the other day and found three (THREE!) jars of coconut butter. Not sure how that happened but I’m thinking I might need to try adding some to my coffee!

  11. I clearly haven’t explored the wonderful world of bulletproof coffee enough; I never thought of mixing vitamins in! Since I dislike taking pills that’s a perfect option :). I’m loving this post!

  12. As you say–things can get really interesting. Excellent and concise discussion of all the possibilities. Love the blender idea to make it frothy. (Just this morning I dropped a sample pkg of vital collagen into my smoothie. If I’d read this first I would have tried it in coffee–that I have yet to bulletproof!

    1. Ah yes, collagen in smoothies is excellent, too! Let me know if you end up trying some bulletproof coffee 😉

  13. Wow! I have never read anything like this and find it fascinating! I will never view my morning pint of coffee the same. I am interested in trying some of the herbs you mentioned, especially ashwaganda. Thanks for sharing the info in a way that my pre-caffeinated brain could absorb.

    1. I think you’d love it! It’s a great way to feel energized throughout the day and there are so many health benefits you can reap from your daily habit. Hope you try it!

  14. Whoaaaa you are dropping so much knowledge here! I’ve tried making a version of bulletproof coffee, but haven’t quite found the combo I like yet. I’m 100% in team vanilla though!

    1. It can be a bit of an acquired taste, for sure. I used to make lattes with whole milk or add half & half, or with almond milk, but as it turns out, my body reacts poorly to both dairy and almond milk. I can tell you, I enjoy the way bulletproof coffee feels more than non-boosted coffee 😉 Hope you find something you love, m’dear! Get that vanilla!