Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

I have a story for you. From the ย embellished tall tale to the factual non-fiction, I pride myself on being a self-proclaimed storyteller, as I love telling all story varietals. I come to you today to share what I consider to be one of the most important and meaningful stories I have yet told you. A story that involves a small community with a large impact; a story involving sustainability of a species and preservation of an ecosystem, a story to give you a better understanding about the food you eat, and the hands it passes through to get to you.

In early September, I visited Copper River Salmonย in Cordova, Alaska, alongside Laura Davidson, blogger at A Beautiful Plate, John Rohrs, Seafood Manager at Perishable Distributors of Iowa and Derek Baril, executive chef at Wild Standard ย in Boulder, CO.

Laura, John, Derek, and I were invited into the homes of fishermen, broke bread with them, got to know them, enjoyed the the freshest wild-caught Alaskan salmon – prepared in a myriad of delicious ways. We spoke with the folks at the Copper River Watershed Project ย and Alaska Fish & Game, two of Cordovaโ€™s seafood processing facilities, and enjoyed fun activities right alongside the locals, including a scenic ride in a floatplane, breakfast on a boat, foraged for mushrooms, prepared dinner for some of the locals, and more.

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

The trip was incredibly educational for me, and because I have *so much* information to share and photos to show you, I decided to break my recap post into two parts – Part One being the ins and outs of sustainable fishing in Cordova, AK, and Part Two (to come) being what we did, where we stayed, where we ate, etc. ย 

Letโ€™s dive in!

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Cordova, Alaska

Cordova is a small town on the Copper River in the southern gulf of Alaska, located in the Chugach National Forest, and is only accessible by boat or airplane. About 80% of businesses in Cordova relate to the sustainable fishing industry. The locals are some of the friendliest people Iโ€™ve met, as theyโ€™ll stop as they pass you on the street and ask where youโ€™re from (apparently they have a nose for out-of-towners, as my plaid and Muck boots were no help to make me blend in).

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

(^I know what you’re wondering, and yes, that is, in fact,ย Tay Sway^)

You know the ye old lyric from the Cheers theme song, โ€œwhere everybody knows your name?โ€ Welcome to Cordova, folks! This community of strong (badass) individuals is full of tight-knit friendships while remaining warm and accommodating toward visitors. Their culture is one of sustainability in all facets of life, not just in the fishing trade. They forage for mushrooms berries, and herbs.

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Cordovans are fabulous cooks (I confirmed this with my mouth), not just out of hobby but out of necessity, since Cordova has only a handful of restaurants, some of which are not open year-round. They are hunters, gatherers, scientists (by degree or by life), and respect the land upon which they live. Man, oh man, do they have stories!

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Who is Copper River Salmon?

Copper River Salmon is a non-profit organization that helps market the wild-caught Alaskan salmon off the coast of Cordova, Alaska (specifically, the Copper River and Prince William Sound). You can look at them as the PR Firm or marketing company for each individual fisherman, as they are responsible for educating the public (you) through various medias (blogs, social media, teaching their story to the restaurant and stores to which they distribute) on why consumers should choose wild-caught salmon from Cordova.

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Some Salmon Background

Salmon lay their eggs in the late summer and fall, and those eggs hatch in the Spring. Upon hatching,ย salmon swim to the ocean and live for one season in the sea. During their time in the ocean, they bulk up in preparation for their swim back to their hatching grounds. They โ€œrunโ€ home (spawn) the following spring, thus completing the circle of life (provided they arenโ€™t caught by a fisherman first). From a fishing standpoint, salmon season runs from May through September, when salmon begin to spawn from the ocean up through the fresh water rivers and streams. King salmon season is mid-May through late June. Sockeye season is May to August, and Coho season is late August through September. Learn more about the Copper River Salmon species HERE.ย 

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Once salmon begin spawning, they stop eating and start using up their fat stores on their journey. This is exactly why salmon from Cordova tend to be rich in flavor and high in healthy fat – the Copper River is a whopping 300 miles long, so the awareness of their long journey causes salmon to intuitively eat as much as they can while theyโ€™re in the ocean so that they can make it all the way to their place of origin.

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Therein lies your answer as to why Copper River Salmon is so superior in flavor and texture – salmon is typically caught at the mouth of the Copper River, before they have a chance to tap into their fat stores, making them much higher in omega 3 fatty acids than salmon whose journeys are much shorter. This high fat content, coupled with the fact that each salmon is bled on the boat, reducing bacteria levels, increasing shelf life, and enhancing flavor, is what makes Copper River Salmon so incredibly flavorful, healthful, and delicious.

A Fishermanโ€™s Life in Cordova, AK

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Fishermen get ready each May for a season of salmon fishing, and for the next five months, they spend a great deal of time on the ocean and in the local waterways, catching King, Sockeye, and Coho salmon. I was shocked to learn fishermen tend to fish alone. Most boats are a one-man (or woman) crew – not tens or twenties as I had thought going into the trip. It can be a bit of a lonely lifestyle during those five months, as fishermen can go out to sea for 12 to 36 hours at a time.

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Fishing off the coast of Alaska is an incredibly dangerous business, wherein the fishermen are subject to rough waters, unfavorable weather, thick fog, and must be wary of tides and sandbars. One of the questions a consumer may ask is why wild-caught salmon is so expensive. The answer is there is limited supply (by virtue of the fact that the salmon population must be sustained), and those who bring the fish to market are risking their lives in the process.

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Outside of operating their one-man gillnet, many of the fishermen in Cordova are friends, albeit thereโ€™s some friendly competition in the height of salmon season. Upon returning to harbor, one fishermen may ask a fellow fisherman to tie his boat to the dock or help โ€œstackโ€ his net, as itโ€™s a much quicker and easier job with two people. Itโ€™s very much a community of mutual back scratches.

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

How Sustainable Fishing in Cordova Works

The main characters responsible for keeping the fishing industry in Cordova sustainable include fishermen, state and local government, and non-government organizations like Copper River Salmon. All forces working together to ensure the the population of all salmon species stay at ย sustainable levels, thereby ensuring the health of the ecosystem and the industry for years to come. Copper Riverโ€™s Watershed Project and Fish & Game are key players in ensuring the health of Cordovaโ€™s many waterways as well as keeping track of the numbers.

Copper River Watershed Project

The Copper River Watershed Project has a great deal of involvement in ensuring spawning salmon are able to make their journey home efficiently and thereby breed to continue the population. The organization re-builds culverts in Cordovaโ€™s waterways bringing the culverts to stream level (rather than the raised culverts that are commonly used in streams and rivers), This ensures salmon are able to pass through waterways easily.

Because of the continued preservation of the local ecosystem, Alaska has an intact watershed, unlike other areas of the U.S. (such as San Francisco and Puget Sound) that have damaged watersheds due to human development. In this way, Alaska is able to spend funds maintaining their intact watershed, whereas other areas need to spend their funds on restoration.

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Alaska Fish & Game

In order for a fishery to be sustainable, it needs to be closely monitored to ensure the population of fish stays at a specified number. Fish & Game is the organization that takes inventory of all species of local salmon to track escapement levels so that enough fish are allowed to spawn and continue the population for the following season. They do this through strategically placed underwater cameras, and often count fish by aerial photos or by hand.

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Fish & Game has a daily in-river escapement goal. When this goal is met, fishermen are free to harvest as many fish as theyโ€™d like. When the escapement number is below subsistence level, Fish & Game requires commercial fishermen to take a hiatus until the appropriate volume is reached. While our group was in Cordova, there was a buzz around town as fishermen were waiting for Fish & Game to give them the okay to go out on one last โ€œopener,โ€ (essentially allow them to fish). Alas, F&G found the escapement level of Coho to be agreeable, and the fishermen were allowed to go out on a 24-hour opener.

In addition to monitoring the population of salmon, Fish & Game also enforces laws surrounding the type and size of boats allowed to catch, the type and size of nets fishermen are allowed to cast. For instance, 532 drift gillnet permits are allowed each year on the Copper River, and a drift gillnet may not exceed 150 fathoms. The mesh and depth sizes are limited for the nets being used so that fishermen donโ€™t overfish their areas.

All things put together makes fishing in Cordova considerably different from fishing in other areas. The smaller volume of catches ensures the fishermen are able to dedicate time to handling the fish properly – this dedication to quality shines through in the final product.

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

More Facts:

  • Alaska is one of the last salmon strongholds in the world.
  • Cordova fishermen bleed each fish when theyโ€™re caught, which decreases the bacteria content, increases shelf life, and also enhances flavor, making it a higher quality product than volume fisheries.
  • Alaska serves as an example to other states and countries that have a salmon fishing industry, as its watershed is intact. Other fisheries model their restoration projects after Alaskaโ€™s continued support of the ecosystem.
  • The Copper River is the fifth largest drainage river in Alaska and spans over 24,000 square miles.

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Why all of this matters

Big picture: youโ€™re the driving force of the food industry. Itโ€™s easy to think of yourself as a small fish in a ginormous ocean, and to assume your decisions donโ€™t matter, but from me – a self-proclaimed optimist – to you – a well-educated consumer with purchasing power – your decisions do make a difference. Your food philosophy, your intentions turned into actions, your purchases, the way you fuel your health and lifestyle…each decision creates a ripple, creating waves, enabling our food industry to trend in the direction you want it to go – ideally in the environmentally friendly, nutrient-dense, sustainable direction.

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

My biggest takeaway from the trip (and hopefully what you get from this post)ย is to know your fisherman. Look at the labels on your salmon, talk to your grocery storeโ€™s butcher, and ask questions. Simply asking โ€œwhere is this salmon from?โ€ will yield answers that could (and should) sway your decision. My intention here is to give you a better understanding about sustainable fishing in Alaska (not to throw stones at other fisheries or farmed salmon) so that you have the information you need in order to make well-examined decisions regarding your salmon intake.

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Final Notes

When you zoom in to this story, you see the life of each individual fishermen in Cordova, Alaska – what their day looks like from start to finish, what their profession represents, the work they put into their trade, their own story. When you zoom out a little, you see a community made up of these individuals – foragers, fishermen, scientists – priding itself on truly sustainable living, not just in the fishing industry, but in many facets of life. Zoom out even more, and you see the seafood industry and all its players from small family fishermen to corporate farms and everything in between. Look internally and know your impact as a consumer. Know your fisherman!

Cordova, Alaska | #travel #copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #sustrainablesalmon

Read Part Two of my trip recap here!

Where can I get Copper River Salmon?

Use Copper River Salmonโ€™s Store Locatorย to find a supplier near you, or Buy Direct.ย You can also contact CRS directly at 907-424-3459 or send an email to

Julia Mueller
Meet the Author

Julia Mueller

Julia Mueller is a recipe developer, cookbook author, and founder of The Roasted Root. She has authored three bestselling cookbooks, – Paleo Power Powers, Delicious Probiotic Drinks, and The Quintessential Kale Cookbook. Her recipes have been featured in several national publications such as BuzzFeed, Self, Tasty, Country Living,, etc.

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Questions and Reviews

  1. You did such an awesome job with this post, lady! I loved learning more about Copper River Salmon and the awesome people of Cordova. Knowing that they’re fishing in a sustainable way gives me all the feels. And that shot of the salmon in the Copper River? Sooo beautiful!! Can’t wait for part 2!

  2. What a great story and amazing trip, I’m looking forward to part 2 as well to see everything you got to eat! We were lucky enough to get some Alaskan seafood from friends and it has spoiled me for anything bought at the stores locally here in Montana, so I’ll have to check out this company, (also hoping to find a source for Alaskan shrimp if you know of any)!

    1. Aaaah yes, lucky you indeed! Alaskan seafood is the absolute BEST! So happy you enjoyed the recap – it was fun to put together!

  3. Great and informative post! My husband just got back from a trip to Cordova and brought back 50lbs of salmon…friends and family love it!
    Looking forward to reading part ll

    1. Aaaagh that’s so amazing! I’m very envious, as there’s nothing like catching your own fish and preparing it in different ways. Sounds like you guys are all set for dinners for the next few months! So glad you liked the post! xo

  4. Wow what a trip! And how interesting to get to learn all about these fishermen and copper river salmon. I’ve only veryyyyy recently started to actual enjoy salmon … and I definitely have never cooked it myself (due to my aforementioned aversion to pretty much any fish!). But I’m getting there – and now am armed with much more info whenever I get the guts to cook it myself! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. This was a great article. Very interesting and fascinating. I love salmon and refuse to buy anything but salmon from Alaskan waters. I hope you will include some great salmon recipes from Executive Chef Baril in Part II.

      1. I’m so happy to hear it, Maxine! Alaskan salmon is my absolute favorite too, and I’m glad you support it as well! I’ll see if I can get a recipe or two from Chef Baril for my next post ๐Ÿ™‚ xo

    2. It truly was a beautiful experience! I’m glad to hear you’re starting to get into fish! The type of fish and the way it was harvested makes a huuuuuge impact on flavor. I wish I could send you some salmon straight from Cordova to try – it really is a total mind blow, and a game changer for sure. Let me know if you’re able to get your hands on Alaskan salmon where you’re at! xo

  5. Excellent post! I have family in Alaska and I’ll be there next week enjoying delicious and sustainable salmon! Love your blog and recipes.

    1. Thank you so much, Julie! Have an amazing time in Alaska – enjoy the quality time with your family, the beautiful sites, and all the salmon your heart desires!! Many thanks for your kind words! A safe journey to you! xo

  6. An inspiring story of a real community going what we all hope other fishing, farming, ranching communities would be doing as well. You are so right in saying that it all depends on what we take to the check out of our favorite store. Thank you for the amazing photos and sharing your experience. Looking forward to Part 2.

    1. You got it! I’m just so happy I was able to meet all of the parties responsible for bringing wild Alaskan salmon to market, and having the opportunity to share the story. An unparalleled experience that I feel so fortunate to have had. xo