Let Them Eat Kale! By Julia Mueller, published July 1, 2014

All photos by Jen Schmidt

After a year of blanching, sautéing, massaging, roasting, and eating my weight in kale, my second cookbook, Let Them Eat Kale! has been published! I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am that the book is finally on the shelf. While I was developing recipes for the book, I was so giddy and anxious to share all the tasty eats, and that day has finally come!

Kale is far more than a tough-to-chew bitter green. It is a powerful superfood and it can be incorporated into your diet in so many ways. While some people find kale unpalatable, I assure you that a little love goes a long way in making it just as tasty as it is nutritious. If there is one vegetable you want to have a solid relationship with, it’s kale.

Let Them Eat Kale! by Julia Mueller, published July 1, 2014

My good friend, Jen Schmidt and I teamed up to snap photos of Let Them Eat Kale!. And eat kale. Because that’s what you do to excel at life. You eat all the kale.

We whipped up one of the recipes from the book, which I will show you tomorrow! Big thanks to Jen for all the beautiful photos in this post!

Let Them Eat Kale! by Julia Mueller, published July 1, 2014

About the Book

If you’re looking for recipes to incorporate more kale into your diet, this book’ll do ya real good. The book includes information on the health benefits of kale, instructions on various methods of preparation, some gardening tips, and 75 recipes to keep your kale tank full. All of the recipes are easy to prepare, making kale that much more approachable.

You don’t have to be an all-star cook in order to benefit from this book – in fact, this book is perfect for people who are just getting started with kale and simply need a resource to get the leafy green in their kitchen. For seasoned kale experts, the book provides new ideas and delicious recipes for maintaining your undying love for the leafy green.

All of the recipes in the book are gluten-free, minus a couple of burger buns, which can easily be replaced with gluten-free buns or omitted from the meal. Let Them Eat Kale! is not a vegetarian cookbook – there are animal protein recipes as well as vegetarian, vegan, and paleo recipes.

Let Them Eat Kale! by Julia Mueller, published July 1, 2014

Why do we eat kale?

Many of you are already familiar with the health benefits of kale, so forgive me for sounding like a broken record, but let’s do a brief recap. These are all of the fancy things kale does for your body:

Rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants protect your body against the damage free radicals have on your body’s cells. Free radicals are introduced into your system through regular food and alcohol consumption, sunlight, stress, pollution, radiation, and tobacco smoke. Antioxidants help prevent cell oxidation, which ensures your cells stay healthy and are doing their job efficiently. Eliminating damaged cells from your system prevents disease and cancer.

High in iron, copper, potassium, manganese, and phosphorus. Iron is crucial in forming hemoglobin and enzymes. It helps transport oxygen throughout your body and promotes liver health. Potassium reduces your risk of stroke, helps keep the mineral density in your bones healthy, and helps lower your blood pressure Studies show those who eat more potassium have lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

High in Vitamin K, which helps fight and prevent cancer, assists in blood clotting, and strengthens your bones by helping the absorption of calcium. One cup of kale gives you 680% of the Vitamin K you need for the day.

High in Vitamin A, C, B6. Vitmain A is great for your eyes and skin and can prevent lung and oral cancers. Vitamin C works wonders for boosting your immune system, and also helps keep you hydrated. Vitamin B6 is crucial for healthy brain function, as it aids in the synthesis of dopamine and serotonin (your happy neurotransmitters). Studies have found sugar cravings are linked to an imbalance of these neurotransmitters, so having enough Vitamin B6 in your system can help quench those cravings. Goodbye, Skittles, hello kale.

Helps lower your blood sugar, which is helpful in alleviating diabetes.

Anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is very normal and can also be harmful. We tend to eat a high inflammation diet, rich in grains and legumes, which can put our bodies in a state of prolonged stress. While eliminating all inflammation from our system is difficult, it is important to lower it in order to keep our cells and organs healthy and prevent disease. Kale is a natural anti-inflammatory, which means you’ll not only feel great after eating it, but it will help ease some of the inflammation that other foods cause.

Full of fiber, not full of calories. Fiber is important in maintaining digestive regularity and for keeping your digestive system healthy. A diet rich in fiber protects against colon cancer and other bowel ailments and also boosts your metabolism. In addition, kale is a low-calorie food, making it a desirable go-to for those who are trying to maintain a healthy weight.

Let Them Eat Kale! by Julia Mueller, published July 1, 2014

What does all of this mean?

Healthy cell function, strong immune system, digestive regularity, cardiovascular health, increased metabolism, anti-inflammatory, overall happiness.

Let Them Eat Kale! by Julia Mueller, published July 1, 2014

Where you can buy the book

Let Them Eat Kale! is available for sale on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and WalMart. You may also find it in your local book shop!

If you love kombucha, ginger beer, or other fermented drinks, be sure to check out my first cookbook, Delicious Probiotic Drinks on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or WalMart.


I’m giving away three copies of my book! PLUS, one winner will receive a copy of Let Them Eat Kale!, one of my Give ‘em Kale t-shirts, and a $50 gift card to Whole Foods. All you have to do for a chance to win is comment on this post. The giveaway ends Thursday, July 31 at midnight EST.

I thank you, my readers, from the bottom of my heart. You’ve been a huge inspiration to me and I can’t tell you how appreciative I am of your continued support. I’m shaking your hand, giving you a high five, and sending you a ginormous bear hug. Thank you, thank you!

Now let’s go eat kale!

Let Them Eat Kale! by Julia Mueller, published July 1, 2014

Julia Mueller
Meet the Author

Julia Mueller

Julia Mueller is a recipe developer, cookbook author, and founder of The Roasted Root. She has authored three bestselling cookbooks, – Paleo Power Powers, Delicious Probiotic Drinks, and The Quintessential Kale Cookbook. Her recipes have been featured in several national publications such as BuzzFeed, Self, Tasty, Country Living, Brit.co, etc.

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Questions and Reviews

  1. This is so exciting! Kale has become a staple in my life lately. I eat so many raw kale salads that I’m amazed I’m not green! I would love to have a wealth of new recipes to try! Win or not, I’m going to get this book! 🙂

  2. Big time congratulations!!! Also, in case I haven’t mentioned it, your first book, Delicious Probiotic Drinks, rocks. I can’t wait to check this one out 🙂

  3. Julia,

    A super congrats to you girlfriend!! Two published cookbooks {yes, I own them both and yes, they’re both super vibrant, beautiful + amazing} – what a serious accomplishment.

    You are a total rockstar,

  4. how exciting it this. congrats!!! i have just started incorporating kale into my life and would absolutely love this book.

  5. Thanks to our CSA, we learned to love kale, especially raw. I make a “massaged kale” recipe that we eat regularly. Blessings in your future endeavors and congratulations!

  6. WOOOOP! Such a gorgeous book, I’ve already spent at least an hour looking through it and admiring your beautiful photos, and there will be many more hours to come 🙂 congrats lovely!

  7. WOOO!!! Congrats 😀 I’m seriously drinking a huge glass of kale (and other stuff) juice right now, and it’s clearly the best way to celebrate before making alllll of the kaley goodness from your book !

  8. Yay for kale! You have made me embrace kale by the anticipation leading up to your book, and I can’t wait to find out the recipe you share with us tomorrow 🙂 LOVE the photos of you chopping kale. Congrats!!

  9. Congrats!! I don’t eat nearly enough kale. I think I have only tried it 3 times in my life..which sounds like the perfect excuse to pick up your book!

  10. Yeaaaaaa!!! Congratulations! The book is just gorgeous, and full of kale goodness, amazing job girl!

  11. Oh my gosh, you are so adorable and your book is amazing! Really Julia, you should feel so proud of yourself!! I can imagine it took a lot of sweat and long hours in the kitchen to achieve two successful cookbooks but I love that you are making a “scary” vegetable so much more approachable.

    We’ve been enjoying your burgers from the book and I can’t wait to delve into the rest of it. Big hugs and congratulations!!

  12. Congratulations! I have only recently started throwing kale into everything and I love it! Kale Mac and cheese is my favorite!

  13. Yay how exciting! I love kale and could always use more ways to prepare it. Can’t wait to get my hands on this one! Congrats Julia! x

  14. So many confetti/applause emojis for you, girl! So proud of you and amazed at how much you’ve accomplished this year. Gonna eat me a kale salad (and drink me a probiotic drank) in celebration! 🙂

  15. I convinced my mom to plant kale in her garden this year and it’s shooting up like crazy! can’t wait to harvest. Congrats on publishing!

  16. Congratulations, Julia!!!!!!! This is such an awesome accomplishment and I’m so happy for you! I will eat a huge kale salad in your honor!! 🙂

  17. My Kale is doing great this year in my garden! Hope to use it w/ your new recipes! CONGRATS on the book! 😉

  18. Julia, a huge congratulations on your book! I love your site and beautiful photos – so inspiring. I was just saying yesterday to my hubby, what am I going to do with all that glorious kale that’s growing like wildfire in our veggie garden. Your cookbook would totally have me covered!! 🙂

  19. Hi Julia, MAJOR congratulations on your second book! I love, love, love your creative, tasty, and healthy dishes. My “mostly plants” pinterest board is full of your recipes. I can’t wait to try this one! Not only do I (veggie and newly exploring eating some seafood after 20+ years) but my boyfriend who doesn’t even consider legumes and seafood “real protein” loves them too! Thank you and keep it up!

  20. Congrats on the book! Can’t wait to read it and cook from it. Thanks for the chance to win.

  21. Congratulations! What an achievement! It is a gorgeous book!

  22. CONGRATULATIONS, Julia!!! Words cannot express how happy I am for you. You are an inspiration! I can’t wait to have your book on my hands!!

  23. This is amazing! I need to sign up for your updates so I don’t almost miss these things! I think I’ll buy the book if I don’t win because I’m probably the worst vegan ever when it comes to actually eating vegetables :X particularly the green ones. Sweet potatoes and root veggies all day long sure, but kale…yeah that’s a struggle.
    Congratulations! I look forward to learning how to love kale from you !

  24. I can’t imagine a book full of kale recipes! How amazing..
    I surely need all the kale goodness but I’ve only recently started to incorporate it into my diet. After my initial apprehension, I can say I do like it a lot..
    Would love to get my hands on this book for more recipe ideas

  25. Congrats on your new book! I would love to find some new ideas for incorporating kale into my meals.

  26. Congrats Julia! What an amazing accomplishment! I looooove kale, so I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of your beautiful new book. I just checked and it’s available through the Swedish online bookseller Adlibris. Whoohoo!

  27. I absolutely can not wait to read your book. Congratulation on such an amazing accomplishment! Kale is one of my favorite “super foods” and I would love to have more recipes to try out. I also eat mostly gluten free so that makes you book even more exciting for me. Thank you!

  28. Kale is one of my favorite foods and I have successfully made it my husband’s too! This cookbook is right up our alley 🙂

  29. A massaged kale salad…raw, vibrant and spiked with nuts and lemon is one of my favorite things for lunch! Congrats on your cookbook – can’t wait to read it!

  30. Clicking over from Kitchen Treaty…
    I really need to TRY kale!! This would be a great way to start! 😉

  31. Yay! Congrats on the birth of your book baby! All that hard work def paid off. It looks great!

  32. I just discovered your website and am super excited to try out these recipes. Thanks!

  33. Found you via KitchenTreaty. Looks like some great recipes to try. Congratulations on the cookbook.

  34. What would we do without kale? it has become so essential in my diet along with other family and friends and roommates. I would love to have the chance to delve into this book and explore more of the wonders of kale !

  35. I have officially started cooking my way through your book. Review coming up on the blog tomorrow!!

  36. I love your website, amazon postage is horrendous to Australia $60 postage just for 1 book, how do i enter the giveaway so I have a glimmer of hope at owning this
    Thank you

    1. Hi Nicole, all you needed to do was leave a comment, so you’re all set and in the running! I can’t believe postage is that much! Last time I shipped a book to Australia, it was about $15 for postage 🙁 Sorry to hear it’s so expensive! And thanks for your support!!

  37. Oh Julia! OMG, I’m SO happy for you! Like, literally bouncing up and down in my chair happy for you! So yeah, I can only imagine the excitement you must feel! Congratulations!!! xoxox

  38. I hardly can believe my eyes: a cookbook full of kale recipes?
    Kale is the main ingredient of the Dutch classic (and winters most beloved dish!!) kale mash. We boil the kale until soft (and almost dead), mash it with boiled potatoes and serve it with a smoked sausage and mustard. But we almost never do anything else with it.
    Since I moved to the South Bay in January of this year, I still could’t get myself to buy it, as I don’t associate kale with hot long summer days. Really have to change that, I guess. 😉

  39. Can’t wait for more ideas to cook Kale (specially if I can get my kids to eat it). Congratulations on the wonderful book

  40. kale and “let them eat kale” rock!
    everything’s better with kale….especially spanish cauliflower rice. 😀

  41. My husband and I are kale lovers. Generally, I use it in place of spinach in recipes. Would love a cookbook full of kale recipes. We grow it in our garden year round.

  42. Hey Julia, I am so happy that I came across to this blog post and your amazing book. My hubby and I are huge fans of Kale. Thank you for sharing all these recipes to us!!! The book looks super – congratulations!
    P.S. I will also share this post to my Facebook Group of Single Moms!

    1. Thank you, Gabby! I’m so happy to hear you and your husband enjoy me blog and book!! I sincerely appreciate the support. Much love to you and yours! xo