Delicious Probiotic Drinks, by Julia Mueller has been published!

Photo by Jen Schmidt

The eagle has landed! Delicious Probiotic Drinks has been released into the wild! The baby has been born!  Great balls of fire, my first cookbook has been published! What better way to celebrate the release than to give it to you for free?? TIMES THREE! I’ll give you all the giveaway deets, but first, a spiel about the book.

Delicious Probiotic Drinks includes 75 recipes for naturally-fermented probiotic beverages, including kombucha, ginger beer, kefir (and yogurt!), lactofermented lemonade, and more! This book is great for those who have never brewed a probiotic drink in their life, as well as seasoned brewers. Making these drinks at home is much more cost effective (and fun!) than buying them from the store. Plus, being a home-brewer of any kind enhances your badassedness (well-known fact). You can order my book through or Barnes and Noble.

Delicious Probiotic Drinks by Julia Mueller

What’s so fan-freaking-tastic about probiotic drinks that one would write a cookbook on them? So glad you asked! They…

  1. Promote the microflora in your digestive tract, which ensure proper digestion and nutrient absorption as well as bowel regularity.
  2. Boost your immune system and energy level.
  3. Prevent and heal sickness and disease.
  4. Relieve certain digestive disorders, such as Crohn’s Disease, Celic Disease, Candida, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, ulcers, etc.
  5. Promote joint function.
  6. Are vitamin & mineral rich! Each drink contains its own set of benefits other than gut health. They are filled with a variety of Vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, proving to be super-charged vitalizing elixirs!

Annnd…the benefit to brewing probiotic drinks at home is…

  1. Home-brewed probiotic drinks contain more strands and types of probiotics than store-bought.
  2. It’s cheaper! Purchasing probiotic-rich food and drinks can be expensive, but making them at home is cheap!
  3. It’s fun and badass! Fermentation truly is an art. You can get creative, learn as you go, and watch your probiotic culture evolve over time. It’s wuuuuuunderbar!
  4. You can flavor them as you please! Based on your personal taste and/or nutritional needs, you can experiment with ingredients to create tasty treats.



Want to try your hand at brewing probioticals at home? I’m giving away THREE COPIES of my book, Delicious Probiotic Drinks: 75 Recipes for Kombucha, Kefir, Ginger Beer, and Other Naturally Fermented Drinks! PLUS one winner will receive a $50 Whole Foods Gift Card, and a starter kit which includes Kombucha Starter, Kefir Starter, and a case of 12 Cobalt Blue 16 oz. Flip Cap Bottles. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post!  The giveaway ends 2/28 and the winners will be notified through email (so be sure you give me the best email at which you can be reached!).

My amazing friend, Kiersten from Oh My Veggies is hosting a very similar giveaway on her blog, too! Geddoverder and enter! 

There will also be a slew of my dear food blogger friends posting reviews and giveaways of the book, so keep your eyes peeled!

Thank you so much for your support! Whether you’re new to my blog or have been with me since the onset of my book’s gestation period, I can’t thank you enough for being here and sharing this special day with me!

Julia Mueller
Meet the Author

Julia Mueller

Julia Mueller is a recipe developer, cookbook author, and founder of The Roasted Root. She has authored three bestselling cookbooks, – Paleo Power Powers, Delicious Probiotic Drinks, and The Quintessential Kale Cookbook. Her recipes have been featured in several national publications such as BuzzFeed, Self, Tasty, Country Living,, etc.

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Questions and Reviews

  1. Squeeee!! Congrats! I’m so excited for you 🙂 Can’t wait to pick up your book — especially now that I know all the crazy health benefits from probiotic drinks. The more you know.

    1. Thanks so much, my sweet! I’m glad you’re interested in the ol’ home brew and I can’t thank you enough for your support!!!! 🙂

  2. So now I want to run over to B and N and see if I can find your book on the shelf and Instagram it. Unfortunately, we are getting another 5-7″ of snow AGAIN, so I’ll wait for a prettier day. It’s like you are a celebrity. If I win, do you sign it for me? 😉

    1. This weekend, I’m going to hop down to Reno and see if its at our B&N, too! I’ll keep you updated! Good luck with the new snow! We only got a smidge out of our last storm, but the weatherdude says it’s supposed to keep on keepin on, so hopefully we have a real winter wonderland on our hands soon. Julie, I can’t thank you enough for all your support…when you, me, and Stephie do our girl fest, I’ll sign allllllll the copies! (Although I suppose I should add SIGNED copies in the giveaway, shouldn’t I? I think I just may!)

      1. Yes!! Signed copies are the best! That way, when you are all famous and stuff (like soon), we can all be like “Yeah. I have a first edition that’s signed” and it will be worth lots of money. So far, this big ass storm that they whooped about is fizzling out. It needs to get on the stick because I decided not to fix my dinner ahead of time like I do on the days I work, so now I don’t have any dinner ready. Got to get up early tomorrow and see what’s up with this crap. I’m having baked potato soup, so it will go together quickly, but still. Blah.

        1. This winter is really blowing for all parties involved. Our ski industry is all but shut down here… 🙁 If we could take it all off your hands, we would! Did someone say baked potato soup?? I’m on my way over! 😉

      2. OH my gosh!! You have these little sad beagles looking at me from ASPCA in your ad. I CAN’T TAKE IT!! 🙁 Poor little things. Must not look.

    1. The whole thing is still surreal to me! I need a month to marinate and reflect on the whole process. 🙂 Thank you so much, Ellen!

  3. Congratulations on the book! So exciting to have dreams come true. 🙂 Probiotics is something everyone can know more about. Well done!

  4. Congrats. I have a question for you. we are only a 2 person household. I would like to try my hand at milk kefir but we can only drink so much. How long can the grains rest when you don’t need to make anymore?

    1. Hey Starre! Yup, you can tooootally take kefir head on! You can make anywhere from a personal-sized portion to a few quarts, it’s up to you! Also, the benefit about fermented drinks is they last a really long time as long as they’re stored properly. For instance, if you seal yogurt or kefir in a jar, you can keep it for a month or even longer. Cool stuff!

  5. congratulations!!!! This is awesome. The only drink I’ve attempted to ferment is ginger beer, i’m not very skilled in this department

    1. Thank ya, thank ya! Ginger beer is the hardest one to brew!! Especially if you tried brewing it using your own ginger bug? It took me like a month to get mine going, and then another 2 weeks to brew a full batch. That one requires a lot of patience. The others are easier, I swear! 🙂

  6. Congratulations! Can’t wait to read your book. I love kefir, but it’s expensive so I only buy it once in awhile. Would love to learn to make it (and a lot of other things) from your book!

  7. Congrats on your book! What a great accomplishment! I happened on your site for the first time today, love it, and hope to have your book gracing my shelf in the future. Now to go and read more of your site!

  8. I can’t believe that it is finally here! Do you know if I can buy it from Sweden? Or heck, I’ll make sure to get it any way I can. I would love to get started brewing at home, I’ve been wanting to try for a while know but doesn’t seem to get the foot out of my… You get the picture

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for this incredible blog =)

    1. Hey lady, thanks so much for your support and interest! Amazon ships overseas (I just shipped books to Australia, Kuwait, and England, and the shipping rates were pretty affordable!) The book is also available on Kindle if you have one!! Let me know if you have any questions at all about brewing drinks – I’d be happy to help out in any way possible!! Thanks again, my dear! xoxo

  9. Congrats- this is so big and awesome for you! I would love to make ginger beer for my own cocktails 🙂

  10. Congratulations on your book Julia! What an amazing achievement. Hope you have a great time celebrating!

  11. Ah! I’m so excited for you! We’ve been brewing our own kombucha for about two months now and we’re huge fans of those probiotic beverages. I would love to explore your cookbook to discover more!

  12. I’m getting all tingly for you seeing this in your hands! A book, with YOUR name on it! So much awesome. Can’t wait to get my mitts on a copy 🙂

  13. how exciting! I’ve recently fallen in love with kombucha and have been contemplating making my own. I’m a big fan of probiotics, what a fantastic book!

    1. You’ll love brewing it at home! It’s such a fun project, and the best part is you’ll have #kombuchafordays 😉 xoxo

  14. Free or not, I want this cookbook! I’m soooo interested in brewing my own fermented drinks! Congratulations on publishing! How exciting is that?!

  15. Love kombucha–make it at home, would adore a copy of your book–new recipes and yummy-ness that is also healthy, count me in.

  16. I’m totally stoked to find your website! I’ve been on a mission to learn how to make kombucha. I’ve read several good websites about it, but you girl are the bomb! My teenager is actually the one who texted your website link to me. She is also in love w/bucha & can’t wait till we brew our own!
    I will definitely be sharing your site with others! Congrats on your book…can’t wait to get a copy!!!

  17. YAY!! What an exciting day!! I’m so happy for you and I can’t wait to see it in-person. I’ve always been curious to learn more about probiotics so I am seriously excited about this book.

    Oh, and I lurve that purdy snowy picture of you. 🙂

    1. Such a great question!! I have both in my book! Also recipes for kefir soda, which is just water kefir all hopped up on secondary fermentation. 😀

  18. Congrats on your new book! Seriously incredible, I have never seen or heard of another cookbook like it!

  19. This looks amazing, Julia! I want to get into making probiotic drinks, but I’m a bit intimidated. Your book looks like a great primer!

    1. Awww It can definitely be intimidating and require some patience at first. But once you get used to it, it’s a cinch!! Let me know if you end up whipping up any probiotic drinks and feel free to use me as a resource! 😉

  20. Congratulations on your book. I love pro biotic drinks, always wanted to try kombucha at home now I can.

  21. Hey Julia! I can’t believe the book is HERE already! How exciting!! What a gorgeous front cover, I can’t wait to see what is inside. I love brewing kombucha and beer, but I have not tried all those other awesome drinks! YAYYY!

  22. Yay, happy day!! So excited for you that its finally published, cant wait to see it in person and start brewing! Congrats x

    1. Woop woop! I got the notification saying the book shipped, so hopefully it makes the long haul to your door step soon!! xoxo

  23. Oh what an awesome giveaway! Just the thing to push me in as I’ve been hanging from the fence about making my own for a while!! Congrats and thanks!!

  24. Congratulations! Sounds very interesting. I am allergic to dairy and beef (the whole cow) and my partner has something akin to IBS. Would this work for us? I’d love to try this!

    1. Hi Nicola, yup, the book will be great for you and your partner!! I have yogurt and milk-based kefir recipes in the book, but you can make those using coconut milk. The rest of the recipes are cow-free and may end up helping with your partner’s IBS! 🙂

  25. I’ve been perusing my copy and I’m thinking of starting with Kefir cuz I buy it and drink it everyday! Woot Woot!

    1. Yeeeeah! LOVE it! Kefir is SUCH a cinch! It’s one of my faves cause you can make it in a day, whereas the other recipes make you play the waiting game. I hope you love it, dear!

  26. wow, so amazing and congrats!
    i’ve been too scared to try making my own beverages (besides smoothies)… i’m thinking of starting out with homemade nut milk 🙂
    however, my ultimate goal is to make kombucha!

  27. This looks delicious! I’ve been wanting to try kombucha for weeks now but can’t find it anywhere. I would LOVE a copy of your book!

    1. Heck yes! It’s a mystery to me how the copies are being shipped, because the other Ohio-ian I sent a copy too hasn’t received hers yet either…BUT everyone in states surrounding OH and on the east coast has received theirs. Plus, my CA blogger got hers. So I’m not sure what the dealio is with OH!

  28. I Just ran across your blog today and love it! Congrats on the book. Being vegetarian for a while now, I’ve been looking for ways to include more healthy options into my diet. Probiotic drinks sound like a great way to do it! Looking forward to seeing and learning more!

  29. Congrats Julia! I have fermented yoghurt and sauerkraut… I have been wanting to try fermented drinks, but not sure where to start. The Ginger drink sounds awesome!! Love your site, by the way..

  30. I got wind of your book through twitter. I’ve been wanting to try my own beverages but have been intimidated. I love to make homemade yogurt…baby steps!

  31. Congrats on the book! I just started following you a week or so ago and I love your blog! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  32. Woooo!! Congratulations, I’m so happy for you! 🙂 This must feel INCREDIBLE! Can’t wait to see it ..

  33. Awesome! I have just recently become dedicated to adding probiotic and fermented foods into my diet. I would love to read your book. It looks fabulous.

  34. Congrats! You must be so proud and excited!! I’ve had your book on my Amazon wish list since I first found out about it, can’t wait to see inside it ! Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. Hooray it’s finally here!!! I am so freaking excited for you and getting my hands on a copy a-sap!!

  36. Big congratulations on your book! It looks like such a great project; I’m looking forward to checking it out. 🙂

  37. I already drink kefir (part of my breakfast everyday) and tried kombucha once, but it’s so pricey to buy!! Would love to learn how to make these “good for the tummy” drinks at home! Your book looks amazing!

  38. I’ve been wanting to try some fermented beverages and your new book looks like an excellent place to start. Congratulations!

  39. I discovered this link when a friend sent the gluten free chocolate post to me. But the probiotic book is even more interesting that chocolate! (GASP!) I recently discovered Kombucha and love it, but here in Sitka it’s super expensive. I’m heading to Amazon right now to get this book. Thanks!

  40. Congratulations on the book! I would love to learn how to make my own probiotic drinks. I know my health would improve if I up’d my probiotics, but store-bought drinks are just so expensive. This sounds like the perfect solution!

  41. Just found this site. I have been wanting to make kefir but have been afraid. Now with Julia I will be able to do it.

  42. Hi Julia! Way to go! I love it 😀 really excited to try this; could really use all the health benefits. Thank you! Wishing you all the best. 🙂

  43. Would love to check it out! Trying to add more probiotics into my diet! Just in time for my birthday on the 28th!!

  44. I had a stem cell transplant and cannot get my immune system up and running again. I ended up getting chicken pox at age 55 and that almost killed me. I did not get any childhood diseases when I was a kid and when my doctor did a stem cell transplant it wiped out all of my immune system so it left me very vulnerable to anything. I am hoping that the recipes in this book will help protect me and build up my immune system. I cannot get a shingles vaccine because it is a live vaccine so I hope I do not get shingles . Thank you

  45. Oh my goodness, eeeeek!!
    I’m new to your blog and enjoying all of your recipes. Im actually cooking your sweet potato, black bean and quinoa chili right now!
    I have recently started researching probiotic drinks and this looks like the perfect book to get me started!!
    Congratulations on the book!! 🙂

  46. Wow! What an accomplishment, congratulations.
    I too would like to improve my health by eating and drinking with more healthful ingredients. I would like to save money by making probiotics at home . I am sure this will be a big hit.

  47. I tried making kombucha once but didn’t like it plain and had no luck with adding flavors (I also couldn’t find any instructions for how to add flavor). I would love to try again!

  48. Your book sounds great — and I thank you for the great Whole Foods Giveaway. I am crossing my fingers on this one!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  49. Congratulations Julia. What an interesting book! I think that book would suit me perfect since I am very into probiotics. So I wish the book would be sold here in Norway for to get a copy. But I can always hope for a giveaway. Have a nice day and keep up the good work!

  50. I just found you today in a search for probiotic drinks. I’ve tried my hand at a little fermenting; kombucha and veggies. My first scooby was apparantly not fed well enough (ah, sigh…) but hoping the second try will be better. I hope I can master the art; my fermented veggie & kombucha habit is getting too expensive to buy at the farmers’ market every week!

  51. Just found your blog / book through a pin. It looks fantastic! I’ve made beet kvass and drink it every day. Started with sauerkraut, but like the kvass better. I’d love to expand my repertoire! Looking forward to buying your book. So happy to have found it.

  52. I just discovered your blog and now I’m in love with it! Congrats on the book! i can’t wait to start trying so many of your recipes… woods.courtney (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. You can do it, Betty, I promise! It seemed intimidating to me too, but as a person with zero patience, I can assure you, it is easy peasy and lots of fun!

  53. Howdy!
    I am SO SO SO glad that I found your terrific blog today……I started out reading Borscht recipes, and somehow ended up here- I think I followed a link from Coffee and Quinoa maybe? Another lovely blog….
    But anyway, your new cookbook sounds AWESOME— I would love to get it sometime. I am so glad someone wrote a cookbook on probiotic drinks!! I am a confirmed Weirdo to people who know me… them, I am the geek who loves making strange, fizzy, gross looking beverages that no one else will touch! I always have an eerie collection of jars in the basement with different colored fermenting liquids in them with strange things floating in them. 🙂 I make endless variations of kefir and kvass, using anything that I think of. Wonderful fun and awesome taste bud experiences!!!!!! Horrah to you, fellow weirdo-fermento-experimento friend!!!

    1. I felt the same way before I began brewing kombucha. There are a lot of things to think about, but I promise, it’s not that difficult once you get the hang of it! Let me know if you have any questions!

  54. Ahh! Congratulations Julia!!!! I’m so excited for you and everyone that gets to enjoy and be healthier because of it! Very much looking forward to reading, learning, and brewing. 🙂

  55. Ahh! Congratulations Julia!!!! So excited for you and everyone that will be healthier because of your book! Very much looking forward to reading, learning, and brewing. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Maggie! I’m so thrilled that the book has been well received! Cheers to gut health! Let me know if you have any brewing questions 🙂 xo